The Culture Wars Are Over

October 18, 2023

The Culture Wars are over. 

This may sound like an absurd statement when you look out onto the chaos that could directly be associated with the culture wars. This war has been dominating humanity, especially focused upon in the United States, for the last 100 years at least. It has been fought silently, overtly, in hiding, and in plain sight. It has been fought without weapons of war as they are known to be but certainly with the weaponry of fear which encompasses many different energies and emotions. This war has been fought upon a battleground of beliefs, ideals, ideas, traditions, cultures, politics, theologies, and more. To simplify; what this war has always been about is the battle between an old/historical way of living and a new way. It is between living in a world predominately fueled by fear and it is important to understand what fear looks like because it can be defined in ever so many ways. Fear is anger, hatred, misogyny, negativity, manipulation, racism, insecurity and survival. Fear is competition, brutality, abuse, judgment, lying, unkindness, unworthiness, cruelty, jealousy, and ignorance to name just a few. It is a feeling of powerlessness as well as power over others, all 3D based concepts.

What is being viewed presently on Earth are the RESULTS of that war because we say to you that the war has ended. It is over. A new world has already begun to make its way onto the planet. Love has won this war and those that are still in great resistance to this fact are absolutely in chaos attempting to maintain even harder the old world in the midst of what is coming forth, of what must come forth. For fear is no longer supported by the energy and vibration that upheld it for millennia, when that vibration of fear held the greater power over mankind. This ‘Culture War’ has been between two specific energies. The energy of fear is very low vibrationally and it permeated the Earth’s land, thus its people. It was laced in negativity therefore those upon her were laced in negativity as well. It was the more powerful energy upon the Earth and it upheld the reality/dimension of those living upon her.

The world was in great darkness/negativity/fear and truly on the path of self-destruction. It was at its peak and heading towards its demise when THE incident that shifted things happened and that was the bombings that took place in Japan in an effort to end World War II. Now some might have thought that that was a ‘good thing’ since it put an end to that war. However the effects of those blasts were felt across the Universe. Since Earth is a free will state, there could be no outside (overt) interference. HOWEVER, a decree was announced by the powers that be that mankind MUST raise its vibration on its own by the year 2012 or the Earth would face yet another ending of civilization. For this had happened several times before on this planet.

Many souls rushed to cross the veil to assist in this incredible moment within Earth’s history; all of whom were completely engulfed in amnesia. Their design was to raise their vibration on their own. They must draw from their inner guidance and determine whether they were vibrating within the energy/frequencies of fear and reject those energies for the higher vibration of love. This began as the baby boomers came aboard and were the bridge between those two worlds. Many went through their own hardships as they held no understanding or memory as to their purpose in life, in fact they/most all didn’t even know they have a purpose

This was and is not an easy task, for all souls were flying blindly in a place that was set up for them to walk into and repeat the reality they entered or begin to look to a higher reality and it felt like they were fighting against the established forces underlined in fear and they were. All areas of one’s life were based in some sort of fearful mission statement be it the churches, the schools, different cultures, politics, the corporations, or the family. Society for the most part marched to the beat of one big fear based drum.

A plan was set in motion with one stipulation; if it looked as though fear could not be tamed, could not become dissolved into love, once again a new civilization would be created. There was a timeline given.

By 1987 if it appeared that this was not be a possibility; if the consciousness of fear could not be raised, a world war would annihilate the inhabitants of Earth, meanwhile no nuclear weapons would be allowed to be used/detonated in any area of the planet and to this day that is in effect. In the year 1987 there was a gathering of souls whose main/only purpose was to come to the planet in assistance to this shift of energies from Fear to Love. In a sense a poll was taken by those of this plan and there were millions. This gathering was upon a plane of un/sub consciousness, although there were some who physically gathered for this event even as they were really unaware of what they were doing. The consensus was that this shift in consciousness would indeed be ‘doable’. Upon this declaration by those souls of Earth, they were given 25 years in time to complete their own personal missions, which was to increase their own vibration ENOUGH that by the year 2012 it would be an absolute surety that the Earth would indeed take this leap in consciousness as there were enough individuals who accomplished this feat of increasing their own vibrations. Everything you are seeing upon the Earth at this time is a result of that shift being cemented into reality and boy are you seeing the fight by those who are trying like crazy to maintain that which there is no longer the energy to uphold it, and that is fear. They are attempting to blast fear back into relevance, meanwhile it appears that the world has never been so fearful. We assure you this is the backlash, the results of the upending of a world/reality that is screaming and fighting on its way out.

Some of the more obvious and powerfully held beliefs that have promoted the culture wars, are to name a few are:

Superiority: It has been a long-held feeling/belief by many that one race is superior to another as in the White Race is superior to all others. Each human that is on the Earth today has been here many times in many different bodies and genders and cultures and races. There is no such thing as a superior race; that is a fallacy of ignorance. The white race held/holds within it an implant (belief) we will call it that says they are superior and each holds their own declaration, determination, or desire to release/transmute/deny that falsehood in this lifetime for each soul beyond the body, as they return to spirit holds no race nor gender nor unevenness; all are equal.All are of the oneness. As these historical fallacies are coming forth into view, everyone who holds this design and desire within this lifetime to give to themselves the opportunity to release the story that the white race, especially white males, hold any type or kind of superiority over any other race are being presented with the stories that allow them to choose this new world reality or fight for a victory that will never be won. It is over, this inequality that has saturated the Earth, but it is being heavily denied and pushed back as it is too fearful for many to think they can in their beliefs acquiesce to this new world of equality. The fight may go on for some time but it has already been lost and is simply playing out the last vestiges of fear. The world will never go back to a time when one race or gender held power over another. We will see this come into display sometime in the 2040’s when most fear will be transmuted and the Earths’ vibration will not be conducive to the lower frequencies based on the energies of fear. By then Earth’s population will be ‘awake’ enough to recognize that they held a mission that was woven through their life’s journey to be a part of a higher reality of assisting within a shift in consciousness and they will be living a life of great ease. Others will come to the conclusion that the struggle to maintain something that is not of love no longer attracts them and they surrender to this new way of thinking and they will surrender to a part of themselves that shifts their life into love. Some will fight to the end and others will simply recognize they do not want to live in a new way and world and will choose to leave the planet. That outward shift in consciousness, this display of love, may seem a long time in time to present itself, but it is truly a moment. So know that regardless of what appears, all is in perfect order to bring this shift into reality. Whereby the peace and love, joy and happiness that at times may seem an impossible dream upon this beautiful globe is already here, allowing for those souls who fight it so hard to surrender to its beauty or become miserable in their fight. A fight that they have already lost. All of course hold their own role in this lifetime. No one is greater or lesser in their journey, so be that observer to this grand shift in consciousness. Do not judge, for we can only see the beauty of all players. Each holds a role and a purpose but never forget that ‘free will’ is that great gift each human holds to define and decide their own destiny.

Gender Inequality: The beliefs/fears regarding gender inequality have been showing themselves within this war and the fight of many to hold down the female gender. Keep it in an inferior position. Hold control over their bodies. Push them back into a time when they had no voice as the fear within the belief of male holding a greater power is pushing up to the surface for its finale. The female energy will never be stopped as it is raging across the globe currently. Women are taking equal positions in every area of the world; in governments, religion, corporations/work places, family etc. This energy (women) does not hold the desire to be anything but EQUAL to men and to all. This is one of the most frightening things taking place within the culture war as white males fear not just giving up the fallacy of being a superior race but a superior gender. Now in regards to these statements about white superiority and women, know that it is not a generalization of all men as ever so many have crossed over into the consciousness that will lead to living a 5D life, whereby they already know equality. We are speaking of those who fight ever so hard to hold onto a dying position; a dying reality.

Politics: Perhaps the most divisive arena that the culture wars have played out is within the political scene for it is there that actual laws have been made to hold this war in place. It is that place where not only are there very opposing views about everything from abortion to gay marriage, religious freedom, segregation (through gerrymandering as an example), women’s rights, immigration, the environment, climate change, guns, human rights, health rights, drugs, science, and more, but there is an absolute separation of the energies that are of 3D fear and 5D love. So, what would that look like in a political setting? In terms of those holding fear they might be those that simply want the world to remain as it was, that the belief systems of history must remain in place. Never mind that history held many atrocities and hateful systems. Equality was not a thing. The rich held the power and many went against their own self-interest simply to survive, again very fear based. As the culture wars looks like they are in full swing, we say to you that they are not. The clock will not be turned back. There have been ENOUGH humans on this planet that have shifted their own consciousness thus the tipping point has been met. Love prevails and fear is raging without the energy to back it up. The cleanup is currently taking place regardless of what appears. The stress of this shift is really showing itself for the purpose of each individual to make a choice. How DO they want to live? Why do they want to fight so hard to remain in a place that is not joyful? Perhaps they know no other way and the thought of change brings them fear. We will not speculate on the reasons for this fight as there are as many reasons as there are individuals who are feeling the shift that is upon them. No one will be untouched by the energies that are rising from the soil. This consciousness shift is NOW and there is no place to hide from it. The transition is taking place this moment and the choice is onto all. Do I remain in fear or do I move into love, because there becomes no in-between.

To begin the process of awakening, the process of moving from fear/3D to love/5D one need only become aware of their beliefs. It is a simple process whereby they become the observer to themselves and listen one by one to their own beliefs. Many beliefs are inherited and remain unconsciously played out sometimes for generations. To hear a belief and designate it as one based in fear you need only determine if you still want to hold it. Does it bring you happiness? Is it uplifting? Is it harmful to yourself, your body or others? This is a practice you can ONLY do alone and it is something that was not even considered not that long ago in time. Beliefs simply led one’s lives. They were not scrutinized or questioned too much but as the consciousness of Earth rises, it is becoming more of a common practice that you can go inward and release that which does not serve or make you happy.

Do not be discouraged by what you are witnessing in the world today. In fact give it no attention in fear. Know that your thoughts of love towards those situations you see will assist far more than dwelling on those negative/fearful events. This may seem like a very uncaring thing to say but know that those who are giving up their lives to show the world the horrors of war knew what they came to experience. Know that there is no death. When one leaves their body, they go home to their own loving arms. They assist from a different realm as they are greatly dedicated to this shift that all souls knew before coming was a possibility. Know that all is well and if you desire to assist within this magnificent moment on planet Earth; grant love and forgiveness and peace to YOURSELF. It will flow outward onto the planet and assist greatly in this shift in consciousness that will not be stopped.


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