Plants and animals have always been an enhancement to the consciousness in ways that for the most part are not even recognized nor acknowledged. They are a gift to the world from the creative source and were upon the planet long before humanity. Plants were what sustained and nourished humanity long before there was an introduction to the denser vibration of meats from animals and from the seas.
The plant based foods held a higher vibration within the formation of the planet and those ‘gifts’ that were place upon the earth, and what began as a purity within the food sources of earth changed over time after humanity came forth and through their own free will began a process of lowering their vibration thus the vibration of the planet itself. The plants in their uniqueness and as a source of service to mankind were immune to the effects of their vibration. They were simply used less and less as a source of food as the animals took their place at the table.
Editor's Interjection: You made reference to humanity coming to the planet and then lowering the vibration of the planet, that it was their free will. I may be misunderstanding the current state of the planet which is to raise the vibration... Are you referring to a history where we humans on Earth operated at a higher frequency and then chose to lower it, only to choose again to raise it again? I don't understand. Can you elaborate?
Think of the Earth first of all as an experiment (and this is a simple explanation). It is a school, so to speak, for those souls who intend(ed) to evolve into a greater frequency of love. The Earth became that place whereby humanity could come and bring alive this intention. However, they came in absolute amnesia to their plans/designs/desires; to who they truly are. They came to a pristine planet whose vibration was of the highest and it affected them initially in a wonderful manner and assisted them vibrationally. They never CHOSE to lower the vibration of the planet however they were given the grand gift of free will which allowed them to, of their own internal volition, CHOOSE their destinies. Over time the enticement of POWER was what began the process of FEAR whereby the vibration of fear became the more powerful vibration. Even as the planet still maintained its outer beauty, fear was permeating the very soil itself and it greatly affected everything upon her including the plants and animals. Several times within the history of planet Earth, the fear became so destructive that it took her to realign and alleviate the source of this fear (mankind), meaning that the Earth has been realigned before and humans have been removed in order to begin again this experiment whereby humanity was given the opportunity to, in amnesia shall we say, allow the vibration of love to awaken within the bodies of humans and restore the beauty of the planet and expand it. In this time and experiment there is a difference because for the first time FEAR has threatened the planet itself meaning the means to destroy it was created and the universe stepped in and decreed that fear must be transmuted; love must expand upon the planet or once again humanity will be removed, for they will not allow the destruction of this once beautiful home to many species. This is a VERY brief view of what is taking place within this NOW on planet Earth. There is so much more to this story but know that there was not an intentional design to lower the vibration of the planet. It took place as mankind descended into fear of its own free will thus lowering the vibration of Earth and all that which was alive upon her. This is a very simple explanation to how the vibration of the planet occurred.
Now the animals that were used as food, over time began to become lower in vibration as humanity treated them as nothing more than a food source. Their frequency diminished as their original purpose became skewed and their beauty as a source of enhancement to humans shifted from comforting, and beautifying their lives turned into giving up their lives for humanity’s indulgences. Animals for food did not necessarily object as their purpose was still to serve man but it did change their vibration as their service went from more or less a companion to a meal; not their original intent.
Animals of all species held a great purpose within the creation of a beautiful oasis for humans who would come to the planet and know a dimension of experimentation and spiritual growth. They would present a specific type of comfort, companionship, inspiration and love and more or less assist them in this incredible journey of evolution. Their original purpose was to be to humans their treasure. They held within them their own specific consciousness and still do but throughout the various inceptions of Earth as a reality in which mankind has been through several iterations of falling into a free will state of sleep and lower vibration/consciousness, the animals followed suit and devolved along with the humans. Some became ‘wild’ and just like mankind decided their food source would become more than the plants that they had always thrived upon and began to eat other animals. Their consciousness began to mirror that of their humans. Others continued to serve in what some call domestication of those animals who live side by side with humans and assist in ways of purest love and devotion. There are many species of ‘pets’ and they hold great purpose in terms of granting their humans a type and kind of love that opens the heart and allows certain energies to flow within their lives. These ‘pets’ grant many the opportunity to become vulnerable; to feel an unconditional and non-judgmental love that hold a great comfort and satisfaction. It can be even stronger than that of a human companion since there is no abiding or impressing or even acquiescing to them. They are just there for love. Pets and their owners hold contracts or agreements just as humans do with one another. Often, they have experienced lifetimes together even returning in the same lifetime.
The question of ascension for animals is a bit complicated but basically, they already hold a higher vibration than their human counterparts. We speak of most animals, especially those who are considered pets or domesticated and have a human(s) they live with or hold affection towards. THEY assist humans to open to the higher energies, the higher dimension where love and openness of heart already exist for them. They hold a consciousness whereby those frequencies of ascension are calling to those humans in their life to open to the possibility of a place of love which would assist them in moving out of 3D. Many use their animals as their only place of expressing themselves freely and openly without any judgements as animals hold no reference or ability to judge. Have you ever seen a grown, perhaps gruff, man alone with his dog talking baby talk and kissing them? An animal can present humans with the opportunity to express that which they can do with no other human as their precious pets holds a type and kind of love that allows for this expression thus touching upon a place within that ignites an energy that opens the heart and perhaps begins a process as well as assists within the shift in consciousness that is taking place. If mankind would follow the energies of their pets, they might see that they hold no discrimination, no judgement, no withholding their love, no carrying of grudges or bitterness, etc. They are the perfect example of living in the now where their only focus is upon the present where they can express love to their human. Anyone with a pet knows the beauty and even magic these creatures hold, presenting them with memory and opportunity to join with them in the present moment exchanging love and companionship and comfort.
There are many species of animals upon the planet with varying purposes that involve the beauty and memory of something they present that is beyond or outside of human consciousness. They are pictures of beauty and wonder that are here as a gift to the world. They hold emotions that differ from humanity’s but know their feelings as if let off messages to mankind; that speak to the consciousness of humans and some have histories of fear of humans which disallows them to interact with them in a peaceful manner. There are ever so many different areas of consciousness that these creatures of such magnificence hold that it would be difficult to speak of all of them but know that they are to be honored for they assist within this now shift in ways that are beneficial to say the least to this process of ascension that ALL, who hold life and consciousness are experiencing.
Plants as animals are ahead of the game so to speak within the process of ascension. They hold their own consciousness that is, although different from those of humans or any other species, is elevated in many ways. Plants are certainly a gift to humanity providing food/nourishment/life that has sustained them upon the Earth. They surround the planet as though a decorative enhancement to the scenery of the humans’ home. Unlike some animals, there is no plant species that devolved into 3D/fear; they simply have held an essence of beauty and love and an offering of peace within their presence. As one honors the plant kingdom, they raise their own consciousness by opening to those memories of their own that reminds them that all life is precious, including and most importantly their own, for the whole purpose and plan within mankind’s ascension is to know the beauty and love that every living thing holds including and most importantly the love that lives within.
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Photo Credit: Jamie Street