March 2, 2024
In a recent channeling it stated: "… The universe stepped in ... for they will not allow the destruction of this once beautiful home to many species." Can you offer a channeling that elaborates on the "universe stepping in"?
Almost 80 years ago there was a tremendous occurrence upon the planet that changed the very trajectory of not just Earth and her inhabitants, but the regions beyond the Earth’s atmosphere. It was the first time an explosion of such magnitude took place. It was an incredible strike that was deeply felt by and greatly wounded Gaia; killing many thousands of her inhabitants. The inception/planning, testing, and build up to this event was being closely watched by those that you may call the ambassadors of the Creative Source who hold absolute dominion over the Earth. Some may look to them as those who guard the area of the universe where Earth is located. They did not interfere throughout the process of building these weapons as mankind’s greatest gift is that of free will. Free will is the single most important part of this experience with humanity upon the Earth. However when the bombs were dropped onto Nagasaki and Hiroshima, they not only devastated the frequency of the planet, the effects were felt onto the universe with results that interfered and threatened the vibration within the cosmos. This was the moment that free will was put aside with the caveat that mankind would be given a certain amount of time to reverse the vibration that the Earth was rotating within. It had reached its lowest level ever on the planet. Lower than the other times when the planet had dipped very low within the fear frequency and humanity had to begin again the experiment of raising one’s consciousness while holding amnesia as to who they are and why they came to the Earth.
So the plan was (and these are very limited descriptions as to what was and is taking place today) that there would no longer be allowed this type and kind of devastation upon the soil or waters of Earth, or upon the lives of humanity. Although certain tests were continued for a time, they did not come close to what happened in the summer of 1945 in Japan.
As stated, the consciousness of the planet was vibrating at its lowest frequency as fear was everywhere and a plan was created that either the consciousness of the planet would rise out of fear within a given period of time, even though time is an illusionary concept, or the Earth would once again begin anew the
experiment of moving from fear to love; moving from 3D to 5D consciousness. Other than disallowing these weapons to be used, free will in every area of humanity maintained. The timeline began in the fall of 1945 and would be reviewed or checked as to its progress in 1968 and again in 1987 (Harmonic Convergence). The plan set was that if it had not shown that the frequency of the planet had risen to a specific point by 1987, the Earth would begin to move in the direction of removing all of her inhabitants, and once again claim Earth as a state and place of free will. Where humanity could climb out of a fearful frequency/place by invoking its own memories of who they truly are outside the body, thus uplifting the vibration of the planet for this experiment called Earth is of great interest to many across the universe.
Benevolent beings from many areas of the universe were assigned or volunteered to come forth to be those protectors of the planet. To make sure that it would not be possible for any shenanigans to take place as there were many in leadership upon the planet who were informed by theses beings of light that these weapons were not to be used or there would be consequences. Each time there was an attempt to defy this decree, or there was simple ignorance of it, it was shut down. UFOs have continually been seen in the areas where any activity involving nuclear weapons occur, as it is their assignment to disarm them.
So how exactly was/is this raising of the Earth’s vibration to take place? Many souls from across the stars who were greatly interested in assisting this planet declared their intention to come aboard her and be those workers of light who at a certain time within their lives would begin a process of awakening. They would raise their own vibration. They would bring forth into their bodies much of those lower vibrational energies/fear and begin to transmute them. They would slowly over time lessen the fear that lived within them and each time this took place they would raise their vibration. Thus raising the vibration of the planet. Many who came were very high vibrational beings and saw this as a mission of love towards a planet and a people and were greatly excited to hold this position. Of course each/all souls who enter the planet through birth come in absolute amnesia as to who they are and why they are here. This was/is no easy task, as the process for these millions almost always involved a hard life of trauma, emotional pain, physical pain, heartbreak, addiction, and so on. But they held no hesitation knowing what was might come as the mission was paramount in their desire to incarnate in a physical body. Many are still here in assistance as they are raising their vibration continually even as they may not necessarily be unaware of this. Many took those lower energies off planet through death as they gathered into their body much in the way of fear and pain, and held no memory of their plan until they went home and realized just how much their lives mattered. And just how much they assisted the earth in raising its consciousness.
In 1987 the calibration of the Earth’s frequency looked as though it was possible, yet not absolute that the mission of raising the Earth’s consciousness would be successful. It was determined that the next review of the planets’ frequency would be in 25 years. If by that time there was not ‘enough’ progress, the mission would be ended. The ban on weapons would be lifted and the final war would take place, ending the lives of every human on the planet. It would be done in a way that would not harm the Earth as those original blasts had. There have been those who have tried, to no avail, to use nuclear weapons and have wondered why their attempts had failed. Simply put, they were interfered with as decreed.
In 2012, 25 years later, the frequency was again tested and within that seemingly short period of time it appeared miraculous that the vibration of the planet had risen to a place that far surpassed the expectations of those planetary caretakers. In fact, the shift was a definite. The planet would indeed rise from a 3D/fear consciousness to a 5D/love consciousness, for the lightworkers had fulfilled their promise even in their unconsciousness as to their plans/designs/desires to use their lives to assist in this grand mission upon the planet.
Now, we assure you that this shift is in progress even as it appears that fear is abounding across the globe. There is no more a need to fear that nuclear war is a possibility, for it is not and never will be. You are viewing the shift to love upending the fear that is playing out its role of attempting to maintain its relevancy/place/vibration. Like a death rattle, fear is losing its grip as it tries to maintain it. The more the vibration of love pours onto the planet, the more you see fear in its determination to keep its grip. You see the fear in ways of that anger and hatred that is plentiful and all those other energies that are of the lower vibration/consciousness of fear. But we assure you this is the way it works when something is dying. It does what it can to stay alive, but know its power is diminished and do not grant your own power or focus to it.
Stand within the joy of this new day as you simply ignore the fallacy of what you see. The more you look with gratitude to the beauty of life, the more you will create it. Know that there are good times ahead and be that light that you hold within you and it will burn those remnants of fear that are moving out of your body and your life.
Be in peace and your intuition will tell you that you need not fear what was once a very fearful threat for it is no more.
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Photo Credit: Burgess Milner
Benevolent beings from many areas of the universe were assigned or volunteered to come forth to be those protectors of the planet. To make sure that it would not be possible for any shenanigans to take place as there were many in leadership upon the planet who were informed by theses beings of light that these weapons were not to be used or there would be consequences. Each time there was an attempt to defy this decree, or there was simple ignorance of it, it was shut down. UFOs have continually been seen in the areas where any activity involving nuclear weapons occur, as it is their assignment to disarm them.
So how exactly was/is this raising of the Earth’s vibration to take place? Many souls from across the stars who were greatly interested in assisting this planet declared their intention to come aboard her and be those workers of light who at a certain time within their lives would begin a process of awakening. They would raise their own vibration. They would bring forth into their bodies much of those lower vibrational energies/fear and begin to transmute them. They would slowly over time lessen the fear that lived within them and each time this took place they would raise their vibration. Thus raising the vibration of the planet. Many who came were very high vibrational beings and saw this as a mission of love towards a planet and a people and were greatly excited to hold this position. Of course each/all souls who enter the planet through birth come in absolute amnesia as to who they are and why they are here. This was/is no easy task, as the process for these millions almost always involved a hard life of trauma, emotional pain, physical pain, heartbreak, addiction, and so on. But they held no hesitation knowing what was might come as the mission was paramount in their desire to incarnate in a physical body. Many are still here in assistance as they are raising their vibration continually even as they may not necessarily be unaware of this. Many took those lower energies off planet through death as they gathered into their body much in the way of fear and pain, and held no memory of their plan until they went home and realized just how much their lives mattered. And just how much they assisted the earth in raising its consciousness.
In 1987 the calibration of the Earth’s frequency looked as though it was possible, yet not absolute that the mission of raising the Earth’s consciousness would be successful. It was determined that the next review of the planets’ frequency would be in 25 years. If by that time there was not ‘enough’ progress, the mission would be ended. The ban on weapons would be lifted and the final war would take place, ending the lives of every human on the planet. It would be done in a way that would not harm the Earth as those original blasts had. There have been those who have tried, to no avail, to use nuclear weapons and have wondered why their attempts had failed. Simply put, they were interfered with as decreed.
In 2012, 25 years later, the frequency was again tested and within that seemingly short period of time it appeared miraculous that the vibration of the planet had risen to a place that far surpassed the expectations of those planetary caretakers. In fact, the shift was a definite. The planet would indeed rise from a 3D/fear consciousness to a 5D/love consciousness, for the lightworkers had fulfilled their promise even in their unconsciousness as to their plans/designs/desires to use their lives to assist in this grand mission upon the planet.
Now, we assure you that this shift is in progress even as it appears that fear is abounding across the globe. There is no more a need to fear that nuclear war is a possibility, for it is not and never will be. You are viewing the shift to love upending the fear that is playing out its role of attempting to maintain its relevancy/place/vibration. Like a death rattle, fear is losing its grip as it tries to maintain it. The more the vibration of love pours onto the planet, the more you see fear in its determination to keep its grip. You see the fear in ways of that anger and hatred that is plentiful and all those other energies that are of the lower vibration/consciousness of fear. But we assure you this is the way it works when something is dying. It does what it can to stay alive, but know its power is diminished and do not grant your own power or focus to it.
Stand within the joy of this new day as you simply ignore the fallacy of what you see. The more you look with gratitude to the beauty of life, the more you will create it. Know that there are good times ahead and be that light that you hold within you and it will burn those remnants of fear that are moving out of your body and your life.
Be in peace and your intuition will tell you that you need not fear what was once a very fearful threat for it is no more.
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Photo Credit: Burgess Milner