July 13, 2022
The imagination is a place. It heralds forth as if a call to
those who begin to question it or wonder of it or even remember it. It is a
place of creation; it is the place
of creation. It is where all things that you see with your eyes at this moment
COME FROM. If you look to your car, your house, your clothing, the food you
eat, the toys children play with, the buildings of the cities, the aircraft
flown within. Each and every material ‘thing’ has come straight out of
someone’s imagination. You can call it
their designs but where does the design ‘come from’? The artist; the writer;
the singer, dancer and more. Most call it someone’s talent and of course it is
but it is of their creative essence which begins within the imagination. The
imagination has been downplayed if not downright denied and yet it cannot be
because all upon the Earth are creators therefore they must create. You create
consciously or unconsciously; that is the truth. To be aware of and ‘work with’
as in align with in the memory of who you are will land you in the place called
the imagination.
If one begins to open their mind and allow the essence of
the creative source that lives within, they will easily begin to recall that
place from which creation springs.
Why would the truth of one’s imagination be downplayed, or
denied or spoken of as a place to stay away from, useless, mindless, taking one
away from reality etc? Because the imagination is the most powerful tool in the
human toolbox that will or can lead them to the truth of who they are; but the
creator of their own reality. In simply questioning the validity of the
imagination, there comes forth an attention to it which moves towards memories
‘of it’. One of the greatest examples of keeping mankind from using the power
they possess is by withholding from them the information in regards to the
validity, access and truth of the imagination.
Is the imagination real? It is more real than anything your
eyes see; in fact it IS the creative source of all that your eyes see.
Ironically your imagination is used daily; some call this daydreaming; we call
it creation and the key to creating your desires is within the emotions that
you hold as you are within your imagination, that place of creation.
Everything you see here was created firstly in the imagination. This is an
enormous concept however this spectacular truth is waking upon the Earth all
across the earth. You may have heard of the concept of the ‘law of attraction’
and how the imagination ‘ties in’ with this is simply this: what you create in
your imagination will manifest ‘always’ UNLESS you deny it to yourself and the
manner in which you deny or grant anything to yourself is within the emotions
that you hold in regards to it. If you create something or clearly see
something within your imagination it will be yours unless you emote doubt or
emotions of unworthiness or the most enlivened one of all is disbelief.
It is ironic that those who have memories question the
imagination for what takes place within the process of hypnosis is the
allowance of the mind to bypass the rational and go straight to the
imagination; that place where one’s story lives however we see clearly their
denial (and there are different levels of denial) because that is part, has
been a part of one’s belief system. As real as is the imagination, so too is
the reality/realness of one’s beliefs. What great purpose these sessions hold
because they give opportunity to those that you are assisting to look to their
beliefs and decide if they are useful or of value still; oftentimes beliefs
become outdated and are not purged until looked at and you are giving a great
gift as you give your clients the opportunity to decide if their beliefs
continue to serve them.
In your imagination you can meet your departed loved ones;
speak with your guides there, call to the souls of others there meaning you can
speak to or reconcile with another (alive or dead) there, request assistance,
experience and express freedom like you have not known in the body before and
in so doing that feeling/emotion will filter down into your body. It truly is a
magic place and yet it is not there if it is not in one’s reality. If one feels
it is not real they will never experience it consciously. As this world is
moving, shifting and changing realities, those things that were once considered
not real are calling to the memories of humanity to remember. In no other lifetime
was there so much ‘AVAILABILITY’ to move dimensions as there are in this now
All experiences ‘there’ filter down upon your body as the
body moves higher in consciousness the experiences unavailable at another time
can now begin to take place. To bring about your desires, be conscious and
aware of them; see them take place in your imagination and let it go, knowing
it is real and will show itself in the perfect time. No doubts to negate this
truth. Healing takes place firstly upon the plane of creation/the imagination
and the manner in which it is delivered into the reality of Earth depends upon
the consciousness of the one desiring this healing.
There is so much to know (or remember) regarding the
imagination and the beauty of the creative source you are that
works/plans/creates within it however the first step in this amazing adventure
onto the plane of creation is to accept its reality. If you believe it is real,
you will prove it to yourself. If you say it is not real it never will be in your
One’s stories and plans move through lifetimes; are carried
forward into new lives if that is one’s desire. What the plane of creation/the
imagination holds is one’s planning/blueprint/destiny as that is where all
things are planned FROM. Just as one’s Akash does not stop and start with each
lifetime, neither does one’s imaginative/creative place for it is an ongoing
process of creativity. In other words what one sees as many lifetimes, we see
as a continuous story that a soul carries holding many chapter (lifetimes)
within it. It is the same soul/creative source moving upon the land in
different bodies holding different intentions; creating a million
scenarios/stories. The imagination is a continuum of the creative, beautiful,
awful, purposeful, hideous, wonderful, loving, hateful, magnificent, hilarious,
horrible etc creations that each soul has created per plan. A string of stories
one soul holds; stories that were built within one’s own creative platform
called their imagination. Is it any wonder that it was something that those who
wanted to hold power over others did not want mankind to know about? You, as so
many others at this time are waking to this ‘secret’ power.
The true irony of this thing called the imagination is that
it has been given the definition of being irrelevant when in truth it is THE
MOST RELEVANT place any/every human will ever enter into. It is the place of
all things.
As a teacher you grant others the privilege of your
knowledge so we say to you, know what you know, listen to yourself and continue
to assist as you so beautifully have, those students to the beauty of who they
are for the gift you grant others continues to exemplify your own sweet
Be in Peace, you are loved beyond your imaginings!
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