Ukraine War
There is not only great purpose in this war but it becomes a tipping point for the whole of humanity as you are watching something that was destined to bring forth and about the ending to war. There has never been a response of such compassion upon the earth ever, coming from every corner of the globe. You are witnessing the shift itself from 3D to 5D. You see the energies of the war monger; the epitome of 3D/fear reigning down his terror upon the people of Ukraine. His surprise or rather shock to the resistance that came forth brings him to the place of confusion, anger and of course fear. He represents the fear that has been upon the planet for eons of time. He stands in the position of one who is losing in terms of the plans he holds of taking over all of Europe. Now this may sound unreal to think one man holds this desire in this day and age but he is that symbol of 3D/fear staging himself as that one of great power over others when in truth he is collapsing just as the old world of fear is. The set up was perfect in its timing as the finality of this time on earth where fear has been holding the power upon the planet is playing itself out. You might think that fear doesn’t look like its power is dying considering what is taking place in Ukraine but this is the final vestiges of that energy is being viewed by the eyes of the world. The many lives lost on both sides seem to uphold the idea of fear maintaining power but we see theses souls as great warriors for the cause of this shift into love.
Did humanity plan before birth to experience this war, and if so, why?
In particular, did the people of Ukraine plan before they were born to experience this war, and if so, why?
The planning to shift consciousness in this time on earth was ‘scheduled’ but not absolute. It depended of course on many things most certainly if the intention and energy of earth’s inhabitants would uphold this plan. During the last world war when weapons were created that could destroy the earth, there was an intervention so to speak onto the planet and a plan set in motion to raise the consciousness of the earth so that the very thought of this kind of action would be absolutely unacceptable. It was deemed so serious that for the first time those councils of light beings who hold great love for the planet and those upon it, and who are overseers of the earth declared that these weapons would never again be used. They have already used this declaration and stopped their use as well they have stepped in when there were accidents and will do so again if necessary. Along with that plan there was a call to many souls who have assisted in other places and times to come aboard the ship of earth and begin individually and collectively to raise the vibration of the planet by raising their own consciousness’s which would assure that the planet would never be assaulted again in such a manner for within the consciousness of 5D/love there wouldn’t even be an interest in weapons; it is so counter to the world of love.
Those who ‘signed up’ for the mission to come to the earth and in accordance with the plan and their individual souls plan began this great shift into 5D. They came in droves right after the war and are still coming. There were (are) many millions who hold the stamp of ‘light worker’, who had nothing but excitement for their mission after all when you are in spirit you don’t hold any fear of anything.
It was difficult for many of these workers of light when they got to the earth since they arrived in total amnesia to themselves as well their planning. Their intention was to bring forth the fear within their own bodies, some from lifetimes ago; raise it into awareness and work to release it, and each time fear is released from the body, it is released from the earth itself. So, for the last 75 years or so, many of the earth’s inhabitants have been working to cleanse themselves of a vibration called fear and of course fear comes in many definitions that have been rising into awareness both individually and collectively. It comes is anger, cruelty, hatred, misogyny, warring, competition, disrespect, betrayal, abandonment and more and as these energies have been coming forth for the soul’s growth in transmuting them, the world began to experience more fear as it was exploding all around in its releasing which seems as the opposite but one cannot alleviate their demons; their fears until they bring them into conscious awareness and then feel the resolve.
As it became closer to this shift taking place the ‘war between light and dark/fear and love’ heated up and is now on fire. We will say with surety that love has already won regardless what it is you are viewing in the outer world of this war, or politics, or religions or corporate greed etc. It is a done deal and now it simply plays out.
Humanity did plan for a war, it wasn’t set in stone where, but it became apparent that this one Putin was the perfect one to take the lead. It was declared that there would be an event that would gain the attention of the world and allow humanity to make their collective statement that we will no longer tolerate the vibration of fear within warring. We will no longer live in suppression. Each soul who gives their life for this cause/plan were absolutely aware of this possibility and were as if proud to make the sacrifice, but really when one leaves their body , sacrifice doesn’t enter into it as they are going home. No need to feel sorry for one who leaves a cold physical land to enter paradise where fear can’t touch them. They will return to enjoy the fruits of their own labor.
This world event where all can see the terrifying atrocities taking place allows them to raise further their vibration into love as they are feeling such compassion for those who are playing out their own roles even onto death. If we could convince you of one thing it would be that death is nothing to fear; it is a homecoming unlike anything you can imagine. Those who signed up for this and who have passed are within the hands of their own beloved spirit and are assisting the world from the other side by showering love onto the area.
How should humanity respond to this war?
With great compassion for that energy is more powerful than those tanks you are viewing. Each individual has their own way of responding to this war but this is giving all a chance to NOT respond in fear rather in an attitude of love towards those who suffer their own planned fate. To project the energy of love onto something can do more to create a benevolent outcome than any other response.
This one who has provoked this war for what appears as no other reason than to further his ego has in a sense given the world a great opportunity to respond in a manner of declaring the unacceptability of living in a world where fear dictates; where fear holds the greater power on the planet. What we are viewing is a world that is moving from fear to love as fear is wreaking havoc on its way out and off the planet. We see an army of light claiming victory. We see love prevailing. It will be a hard-fought battle but know that those beautiful souls who willingly joined the fight did so to present to humanity the opportunity for all to blast this area with that energy/vibration of love, compassion and heartfelt concern for the suffering of others.
As each individual brings that vibration of peace into their own life, they certainly assist the earth. It is an energy that is magnifying daily even as you are viewing what may seem the opposite within this war. If you cannot be upon the battlefield or helping physically, projecting peace and love can be the greatest response humanity can give. It will assist in opening the eyes and hearts of those who are tired of the wars, tired of the fear and just want to live in peace.
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