News of the Day: Vladimir Putin and the Ukraine Crisis Update

January 20, 2022

Can you give some insight to Vladimir Putin's at this time? 

It was not without a plan in place, or rather motion, that he came forward and forth to present to the world their choices in a manner of claiming ‘one last war’ which he is not in decision to maintain that road of conflict or become that hero to humanity he will feel it to be. He holds the mantel of one as Trump, to stir up the world and be that force that will hold out against Biden or rather be the one of conflict. This very moment speaks to him of his declaration or rather his decision but he is almost giddy thinking that he is in such a place where the world looks to him to display peace or war. Fear or love and the excitement is that he will push it to the brink and then determine that he just doesn’t want to open up the fray. The light has indeed won although there is much to ‘work through’ and this particular ‘incident’ will be that ‘telling’ moment whereby war ends as well the predetermined analysis of ‘light/love’ winning.

Be it on Earth or beyond Earth. He will be that one/hero who changes the course of history ‘outwardly’ as it is already done inwardly. This moment is that moment when the breath or sigh of relief will come forth to many who have been so fearful in terms of more war which is not the way of the world to come.

What can you tell me about this war and Putin, etc?

This is the moment or shall we say THE moment in human history that has been awaited for ever so long when mankind holds a choice. Do they chose that place and state of themselves and their needs and wishes as the ultimate goal in life or do they begin to look to humanity as their brothers and sisters. One need not go into the field of battle themselves to do their duty to humanity but rather feel that compassion for their fellow humans. Much is taking place across the globe in terms of those who for their lifetime perhaps have related more to ‘things’ than people. When the choice is made to give up oil for the sake of people, you will KNOW it has shifted and this war will end along with those many attributes that bring the material in far greater focus than the human being. Humankind is at their very own precipice a place where their fear will finally be confronted and the wave of those Russian soldiers who respond to love will show Putin what he must do or something will be done to him. In all purpose but the show is growing tiresome and the people who simply want to live and love have shown their own power. Things can be replaced; perhaps some of the old should die with the old energy within it but it is the faces of those who suffer that will bring this war and a certain consciousness of war to end.

Can I get an update regarding Ukraine and Putin? What is he doing?

He is blinded and blind sighted as he obviously was ill prepared for the pushback as he now has put himself between a rock and a hard place and is calling in all his associates that he felt assured would stand by him. He grows paranoid, restless and worried at what is the appearance of his weakness and perhaps the longest shot he takes that of his nuclear weaponry is what ironically will bring him down as firstly it will fail as will all nuclear weapons and secondly the harm he does to himself will outweigh anything he could do to another.

Again those souls who are killed what was/is their purpose. Believe us when we say that their purpose was absolutely for the cause of peace. Be reminded that in planning they hold no hesitation; there is no fear in death and oftentimes it is a ‘quick trip’ that ends with their souls’ extensive evolution therefore the thrill is something not imaginable to those of Earth who fear death. They are ‘cheered’ for their return is as if a graduation onto a higher realm/destination of spirit.


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