September 18, 2020
Can you tell me the symbolism of the fires on the west coast?
As the Earth is moving into a place and state of a new consciousness, an old world is literally being burned away. The west coast of the United States has for hundreds of years been the placeholder for this new energy to emerge ‘in the physical’ because it has been emerging globally in a spiritual/energetic/frequency/consciousness sense for many years. The entrance onto the planet into 5D was not a surety until the year 2012 when it was ascertained that the energies/frequencies had overcome you could say the darkness and negativity of 3D and as this happened certain portals across the globe began to open and these portals held within them specific magnetic equivalencies of the powerful land that held them meaning that all across the globe there have been implants that correspond to other implants placed in other areas of the land. For instance there have been implants of energies or frequencies that would not ‘ignite’ you until such time as the consciousness reach a specific frequency and upon ignition there would be a signaling so to speak to its matching coordinate somewhere else upon the Earth and that other place/city/area/land would then without much ado begin to experience this magnificent expanse in consciousness.
So the opening or the physical display of the consciousness of 5D would begin to show itself firstly in the uppermost northwest corner of the United States to then spread across the country in a manner of down and across the US and out onto the pacific ocean to Hawaii and the south pacific moving from both sides of the world until it is complete as the consciousness meets itself in the area of the middle east. This will take approximately 16 years to complete this miracle of consciousness but it has begun in real time in the midst of this pandemic scheduled to become the catalyst for the fear that it arouses to be cleansed by the fires in the western part of the US.
What this means in terms of the 5th dimension physically entering or coming forth onto the planet in ways of showing itself, or becoming conscious or physicalized is that the energies will penetrate the land thus the people upon her and they will experience this consciousness; they will experience it as those who have begun their journey out of fear and into that simple place of kindness, compassion, love and peace will be accentuated and accelerated onto the area of the western part of the united states and what you are viewing is a cleansing onto that areas by the fires of cleansing of the old guard.
The question might come to mind that the energy in the pacific northwest and west coast looks it is chaotic from the fires to the protests to the rioting etc but if you look deeper into what is taking place you will realize that this very heightened frequency and the feminine energy that is descending upon the Earth is bringing up much in the human bodies of this area their own fears which include the anger and the rioting that you have seen, but we say to you that the greater number of beings that are residing in that area and along the coast have passed what you could call a certain frequency that is pushing against those who are holding the density. The love factor is greater than the fear factor at this time. The frequency is assisting those in love to rise higher in frequency and those in fear are rising in fear which truly will bring them to their own surrender onto themselves and their own hearts. This is the most exciting time upon the Earth and yet it looks the opposite. In transition all are, they need only release the focus upon the outer world and go inward to hear that voice, that emotion, that frequency of love which exudes peace for that is where this world is heading and as it has exploded upon that place of first deliverance. The fires will shift humanity in that area to a place of resounding resonance with these higher frequencies. What is in play more than anything else is what is happening to the bodies of each soul right now in the area of the fires as well as the body of the Earth herself. There is much taking place in the restructuring of energies that are rising in frequencies and no one is immune to the/this great shift in consciousness.
The fires represent and symbolize this moment when mankind is entering a new reality, a new consciousness and a new timeline whereby the energies of a lower consciousness are being burned from the land that has held within it those implants put there so long ago and they are being ignited so as those who live in that area will be flooded by the light. To have light/energy/a higher frequency enter one’s body is a unique experience. For some it is exhilarating, others terrifying and everywhere in between but it was the plan of each to be situated exactly where they are at this moment to gain this experience for no longer is there a waiting for this shift. It is upon the Earth and upon all and it is the moment of truth so to speak whereby each soul claims their position. Love or fear are the only two choices although there is much going back and forth at this moment and at some point the door will be closed and where each stand, they stand either to go forth upon the Earth and assist in her process of ascension or to leave for another place where they can remain in the 3D consciousness to progress or try again.
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