News of the Day: Barack Obama ~ A Year or So Later

Seems like his numbers are slipping. What's the deal with the Prez?

Barack Obama is perfectly positioned at this moment to realize the dreams of many or rather it would be easier understood if we were to say to release the nightmare for many. There is no steps within his cautious path that were mistakes as he allowed the riotous summer of descent to play out it was recognized as part of a rising of opposition that although still appears as strong has died down in energy but for the few mouthpieces that attempt to keep it alive. The harping and the bantering that is so well organized to make the appearance that the majority of Americans oppose this president is as if a machine that holds the job of influence. They speak in tongues of great knowledge spewing false statements hoping that if you tell enough lies and speak often those lies they will be picked up. It is a form of hypnosis, this repetition of lies that have worked over time to influence the masses and if mankind were still of the mindset that they must heed the loudest voice, this airwaves blast would be that influence it has been in the past.

Obama is of an energy whose voice holds within it an implant that says many things unheard in words but felt as the heart hears clearer than the ears if that heart is not built and held in fear. His words speak of oneness which is the memory that the opposition to this men want to keep silenced. You cannot hold a notion of power over others if oneness is alive and practiced. He speaks of a type of equality that hinders those power mongers, for to divide is to conquer and giving rise to their deep seated beliefs of superiority is this man of color standing in front of them claming his power as symbolized by his position. It is all but killing many who fought so hard with loud voices to extinguish the rise of this man that in their system of belief could not possibly hold a voice for them as the head of ‘their nation’.

After the election, an election that so many of fear could not fathom would be won by a black man, a rise in their opposition (fear) began. Prejudice is a form of superiority which breeds power, the type of power felt only at the cost of others. To FEEL power at the expense (over) others is false and is being called to the forefront for its demise. One by one and faster and faster comes the memory of one’s own power and as it rises within the body it speaks loudly to those who feel perhaps they own even a piece of their power. They speak with or without words “I no longer will acquiesce to you in fear” and it is offsetting the balance of the power positions in homes and jobs and government, in churches and institutions across the land. It is the time on earth when fear is being released and a byproduct of that release is the memory of one’s own power rising within their being and their life and it is producing chaos, a type of cleansing chaos.

Anyone who holds a position of power over another must release that position if they ever want to understand that true power lives within. So the struggle for power is at play within the scenes in Washington as President Obama holds within the foundation of all his legislation a memory of empowerment and that presentation is being fiercely opposed and those opposing him can spin their reasons any way they want to but the bottom line is they are of the energy of a group of people who do not want to see each human being stand within their own power for it will not only disempower them but it will force them to the place where they will have to recognize the truth of power and where it comes from and that is not a pretty predicament.

Each human who came upon the earth chose their specific role to be played within power because in this particular time and life the power struggles were to present itself for the understanding of the power that dwells within. For each victim there must be a victimizer and there can not be either but through agreement by both. There can not be a ‘Powerful one without a powerless player’. The degrees of this game of power are from the ultimate in extreme to the most subtle but it is absolutely felt by all who play. To feel power at the expense or cost or agreement of another is quite an aphrodisiac and to feel powerless at the hands of another is not a good feeling for each feeling is false in that it cannot be felt without another to hold the opposite position. This lifetime is one in which the decisions are made to take back ones power and since it feels much better to be the powerful one there is a fight for that position. Pretty elementary.
Barack Obama speaks to those who have played their role of victim and says ‘The time is Now’ to return to power on earth to change the structure of one’s self, one’s life, and thus the world.

One might wonder why he does not fight his opposition harder; declare their lies louder. Speak out against them. That is exactly what they wish because as in energy in the game of tug of war, great expanse goes in the devotion and direction of that game. He has long ago put down the rope leaving his opposition to try and taunt him back into the game. He calmly, methodically keeps his eye on the ball and moves forward without much distraction or attention onto his enemies and his enemies are adamant that he must fail and they will try anything to succeed. The momentum is not however in their favor because the consciousness moves forward towards the place of empowerment. One need not know absolutely what attracts them to one energy or another but when they feel the attraction it is a powerful pull. Obama stands forth saying I do not want to garner power from any outside force or other I simply want to remind you of your own. Have no fear things will never return to a time when this country felt the sting of those whose only desire was to garner as much power as possible from the people for the people are waking daily and hourly to the fallacies of that reality.

As the country was engulfed in a fear that rose at the experience of 9/11 the US was presented with a leader that himself was literally powerless to those around him. He was a victim of the most powerful victimizers on the planet, who declared this was their moment to step forth and gain ultimate control over the masses as they were wrangling in fear and confusion. It has played itself out this game when the powerful literally held an intention to take over the world. There will never be a return to the dark days of victim consciousness although there is still the upsurges of defiance that will take place.

Obama works for the empowerment of all and he recognizes his enemies attempts will ultimately fail. He is destined to be that one who will present a memory and resurgence of a power that dwells within. The positions of power/victimizer ~ powerless/victim and empowered are the stations that mankind is moving within at this time and as the days of the ‘end times’ become a reality. What ends is the consciousness called victim, the reality of forgetfulness, the world of fear.

Those who fight these changes are not the devil incarnate they are simply playing their role. They determined that they would give themselves the opportunity to be upon the earth at this time when great opportunity was available for them to shift from a place of living from the mind to expressing their hearts. It is not imperative that all hold the same ideas and ideals, views and beliefs rather there is a calling for all to grant allowance, love and acceptance to all. Judgments maintain ones’ barriers to higher vibrational expression. This is a wonderful moment in time when all are available to release their history, their cellular inherited stories and reveal the beauty of their hearts as they/all move into a time of great beauty and peace on earth.

Barack Obama plays his role and stands firmly in a position where he will speak his voice of empowerment but he refuses to fight or resist his enemies. To resist is to persist and he has no intention of carrying on a reality of separation, he simply will not continue down a road/reality that is falling down around the globe.


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Unknown said…
Re: "Barak Obama ~ A Year of So Later"

You tried to present interesting comments BUT inadvertently made a big blunder in misspelling the President's first name.

Unknown said…
Thanks for making the change!
Unknown said…
Sorry but... now you need to change the word
"of" to "or."
Anonymous said…
Any channeling on Michael Jackson?