News of the Day: US Congress 2015

January 17, 2015

We can’t look at the new consciousness without looking at the state of the world in the political and religious arena, All institutions, just as individuals are a reflection of the consciousness they hold. And since this new consciousness IS COMING what we might wonder is why things seem chaotic when the promise of a new day is right around the corner. Since we are absolutely heading towards a consciousness of peace and love, what is taking place ‘worldwide’ is the cleansing and clearing that must occur to widen those avenues of change so all may begin living that higher vibrational consciousness.
  Regardless of what currently is appearing in the outer world the light is prevailing.

Although it seems that with the Republican’s win in the last election they hold all the power, but it is within the President’s position that he holds it equally.  In other words what will play out is the viewing of power as in equal power for Congress cannot simply pass laws of their liking as the President has the power to veto them which will grant him an abundance of clout in these final years of his Presidency.

It is well known by those of the majority of the Republican Party that they must work diligently to distance themselves from the internal group within their party that has drawn them so far to the right that if they continue to align there they will implode. It is almost as though they are more fearful of that aspect, the Tea Party than their own opposition, the Democrats. At least they have known compromise and reasoning with Democrats but are continually being denied this with their own party’s faction. Republican leaders never dreamed this group would get so powerful. Initially they relished their fervor as they acted like defiant and belligerent teenagers, but what they allowed with great giddiness they regret with great sincerity. They are walking a thin line as it becomes daily more obvious that if they continue to define themselves as aligned with Tea Partiers, the party of the Republicans can no longer win elections thus they will lose all power within the political spectrum. They must figure a way to come together and yet there is no bending at all with that group. The Tea Party members are binging on righteousness and hatred and conservatism in a manner that their agenda/desire is to conserve/preserve the traditions and values of a time that is no longer to be a part of a consciousness of love. 

There is much negativity and hatred within a group whose fame has been to ridicule and deny a President based solely on their prejudices and often racist beliefs. They may deny all they like but they certainly are the voice of hatred as a group who not only deny this president but were beyond flabbergasted that he was elected not only once but twice. Most live in their own history of white superiority.  

The Constitution is being used as the charter for their actions and behaviors and they claim God as their greatest ally. This group is doomed to become irrelevant and there are those within the Republican party who know this and fear they could take down the entire party syste and they have good reason to fear. The leaders initially welcomed this group as they felt it bolstered their position within power only to see that it is and will do more harm as it creates more and more division every day. The political system as all things is a reflection of the consciousness as it comes more in line with a higher vibrational consciousness. What will not be Preserved is an old world, an old consciousness, the lower frequencies of fear and hate and those in government who espouse to those visions of old will be gone, simply gone.

Politics as Religion in the past has been considered sacred ground in terms of subjects to be discussed politely and civilly. Both are very strong belief systems and yet the reality or the outer display of both politics and religion are reflecting less and less what once was a strong and constant system that one could comfortably align with. Both have been part of a contrived world system that allowed humanity to feel a certain safety and security knowing that both God and country were ‘taking care of them’. The corruption, deceit, greed and fakery embedded in both institutions has always been and it is now beginning to show itself, leaving many to feel so betrayed by what they put their very identities into.

Both Politics (Politicians) and Religion (Religious Leaders) have far more in common than not. Both require money to function. Both have leaderships that must preserve their populations in order to gain their monies. Both claim that their specific model (party or denomination) are the better/best or truest; pitting people against one another be it in a manner of friendly disagreements or all-out war which culminates in killing for the sake of God or country.

If the consciousness is rising as promised and stated, why then is there more horrors in the name of religion and more dis-ingenuousness and division in politics across the globe? It is the perfection of this new world we enter for all things must be seen, recognized in order and law to be transformed. Was Jesus a Christian? Was Mohamed a Muslim? Both of those religions were created by man to honor the teachings of those two. Most within these religions feel the beauty and love that was spoken of and want nothing more than to honor their God in peace but uprisings are abounding, greed is being uncovered and hate dominates towards anyone who does not hold the same beliefs. 

Within this changing consciousness and rising frequency more and more of mankind are feeling the urgency to know peace within their lives and as that is happening those who consciously and unconsciously feel they are losing their grip on the populations that they have dominated are pushing ever harder to hold their positions and therefore you are viewing this world seemingly in chaos where religion and politics are the foundations for the worlds’ strife.

Things can and WILL change and the most effective manner in which a single soul can contribute to this change is to look away from the horrors and seek internal peace. Know that many have signed on to be a part of what appears to be horrific to assist in this changing consciousness and if you are inclined to go out into the world and literally place yourself somewhere in assistance, do so in peace and detachment from the arguing of beliefs for that is the only difference within the fighting, wars, judgments and horrific actions some humans engage in.

Beliefs, be they inherited or transferred or simply claimed can be the greatest separators. Beliefs are energies carried and they hold a frequency. Detach from the fray and go inside. Seemingly a statement that sounds more idyllic and even ridiculous considering the many issues surrounding the globe but ironically those ‘horrors’ are serving a consciousness of fear since fear has been the foundation of what has been lived for many millennium.  Again, that consciousness is leaving and on its way out it is surging in its defiance of this new world. As religious leaders, politicians, police officers and others of power feel this accountability being demanded they push harder to control what is falling from them. You will see more and more ‘icons’, ‘heros’ and powerful positions fall as secrets and  fallacies are uncovered.

How can we tell our children that those in positions of power should be honored even revered when daily we hear of someone who lies, cheats, falls from grace, falls into disgrace and disappoints. It is no others ‘job’ to be a hero to another rather it is a part of a new consciousness of love and respect, compassion and power that a children become their own hero.

This world is changing and fading very quickly and to look at the new Congress of 2015 is to see it symbolically as a demonstration of an old world in the works trying desperately to hold onto a control that is slipping further and further from them, even if it appears the opposite, even if it appears that they are the power within the US government, they are showing their true colors and those colors are fading into a NEW world where human beings take precedence over power, control, money and greed.

It will be of great interest to watch the story unfold and the symbols fall. There are no demons in this story of shifting consciousness. Each player has their own role as designated, designed and agreed to. This congress was put forth to be seen clearly as that old world and choices will be made as to the relevance of the old guard who wants to guard a reality/consciousness where fear is still the prevalent energy and compassion quite remiss. It is a fantastic time to be upon the earth within this great turning of the century, (already 15 years in) where life will begin to show signs of great expanse, where there will clearly be a division that allows for each and all to claim their position within all institutions as there is only two choices; Love or fear


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Scott R said…
Great to see more posts here! Better yet, it's refreshing and uplifting to shift into the energy between the lines in this blog.