October 18, 2014
A headline I just saw, it asked ‘What happened to Barack
In these times so wonderful in relation to a shift in
consciousness, a shift in power, what you are seeing is the absolute
realization of the power that has actually and literally RULED THE WORLD; go as
if insane to stop what is taking place; but they cannot. They are
propagandaing, lying, creating inconsistencies, screaming from the rooftops
their displeasure in what is happening; like a dying animal their wails are at
a fever pitch and their energy is explosive. They (those who feel they are losing
their grip upon power) meet daily, hourly with one another to strategize and
emphasize their position of one that MUST hold onto the reigns of a
consciousness that is ruled in fear. Fear is their fuel and their power.
Barack Obama moves
forward daily with his agenda in his hand, working diligently within the
timeframe he holds to bring forth a world that is within the realm of fear, to a
place of alignment with this new
consciousness. Now it may not seem he is truly a man of peace as he has lent
himself to those missions that have killed and maimed those of nations where
explosions in consciousness are tearing at the heart and soul of ordinary
people; people who hold no political agenda, perhaps religious but they do not
want to take a side or fight for any cause, they simply want to live in peace.
He is currently fighting against a group, called ISIS who is heightening the
fear factor around the globe. So what is really taking place? The fear energy
and those who participate within it are short circuiting as they are fueled by
their beliefs and energized by the numbers who come together to magnify the
energy that thrives in fear. The consciousness of victim is leaving the planet
and what appears as a profound picture of power over others, victimization,
bullying, captivation and all other forms of holding power over others in
countries of the Middle East is a playing out this business of victim
consciousness which is coming to an end, even though it may appear as the
The greatest manipulation currently is within the media that delivers the messages and stories of fear. Now although purposeful, this manipulation is for the sheer purpose of saturation. Those powers who intended this deliverance of fear to the masses to maintain its hold based on fear will soon recognize that it holds an opposite effect. It is already occurring that many are simply sick of it; tired of its daily droning and are realizing that it is neither healthy nor conducive to one’s well being within upliftment. In other words people will begin to turn in droves from the ‘bad news’ for if they only knew just how many websites and news sources could be filled with the ‘good news’ upon the planet they would immediately go where the light is.
So in the midst of what appears to be its darkest moments where hope is waning; the greatest of light is penetrating the land and as the land becomes of light the bodies upon her that refuse to allow it into their bodies; their hearts will know great pain and suffering. As souls of earth begin to reject the dark a mass shift in consciousness occurs. THIS IS HAPPENING and although one may say how tragic this business is upon the land of the Middle East, that land was chosen to be a place, the place to be cleansed of those energies of POWER outside the self, of degradation and rejection of the female energy that is claiming the earth’s presence in power, and that land/place is displaying it’s resistance quite openly.
As the politics plays out their scenarios of who will
gain in power know only and always that the result of any election within any
country is the vote of the consciousness therefore predictions mean little
unless one is predicting the consciousness at the moment in time when elections
occur. An election that appears to uphold the old world may be the perfect set
up to alleviate it or as a new energy comes forth it may be the right timing to
clear the energies of old. It is within the consciousness that is moving
towards the light of a new day a new world that brings about the perfection in
planning. Know only that there is a vote across the globe in play currently and
it is a vote in which the light will ‘win’, will prevail. Understand that the
world around you is moving in the direction of light; of love and no matter
what you view in terms of tragedy and injustice, horrors and sorrow it is all a
part of a perfect plan in motion. It is within these times the judgments do not
show a true picture in fact at times the opposite of light and love seem to be
in view. This movement that you are of is very personal and it is within the
awareness that one who is devoted to clearing their own lives will assist the
consciousness more powerfully than if they would protest the injustices that
seem to be all around although there is nothing
wrong with speaking out in protest it is simply the internal work that
assists far greater than any outer stance.
Barack Obama was brought to his position by the
consciousness as it demanded change. He has stood at the forefront of that
change as someone who held the energy that stated this to the people of the US
and the world. There were many who did not want; who do not want to change as
they want to conserve the traditions and energies of an old world where the
color of one’s skin separates; where the female gender is considered lessor;
where the love one has for another must conform to the beliefs of old; where
abortion symbolizes the demise of male dominance etc. in other words the
movement of change is a movement of equality and equality has never served the
energies of male domination. As this position of earth is leaving it is being
fought hard.
Have no fear as fear is the greatest energy used to maintain
this old world. Know only that the consciousness will prevail regardless of
what it appears. These times of earth are of the most exciting and tumultuous
ever for it is not simply certain areas where the changes are occurring it is
global and the energy and consciousness of peace, love and equality are pushing
its way to the surface although it appears the opposite.
The hatred, utter hatred for this change and shift in
consciousness that is taking place is being directed towards Barack Obama by
many as they require a symbol to direct their fear towards. The difficulty many
have on both sides of this monumental moment in earth’s history is the position
that seems necessary when one is reeling within belief and that is judgments.
It is very difficult to release judgments of any kind within such a state of
division but that is the surest way to hold peace for any/everybody. To
recognize that perfection is in play within this ‘battle’ and decline to be a
part of it, to anchor yourself within your own peace and love is the surest way
to assist the consciousness into a state of upliftment and peace for YOUR peace
is of the greatest assist to this movement in motion. If one could see what
takes place when they CONSCOUSLY choose peace above all else they would get a
glimpse of where the world is heading; where the consciousness of earth is
moving towards and it is beautiful.
Play your roles, cast your ballots, get excited and know
peace within the play for all else is simply the bantering of old Even ‘fighting’ for a new world can be done
within peace as resistance within any situation simply maintains/holds on to
Barack Obama may appear as if defeated but what one holds in
intention speaks louder than any words and his intentions from the beginning
have simply been to assist in the change of consciousness that is taking place.
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Want to suggest a topic? Email Creator.Consciousness.Now@gmail.com