August 15, 2014
Suicide was the method he chose to leave the planet as in this greatest moment in his life, his death, by many viewed as so tragic but he simply slipped out of his body and went home. Such a BIG life he led; such a grand presenter he was. He held a prominent role upon the world stage and consciousness and there is a loss felt by those who felt his energy within the predominance of laughter.
Suicide was the method he chose to leave the planet as in this greatest moment in his life, his death, by many viewed as so tragic but he simply slipped out of his body and went home. Such a BIG life he led; such a grand presenter he was. He held a prominent role upon the world stage and consciousness and there is a loss felt by those who felt his energy within the predominance of laughter.
Robin Williams entered the earth at a
time in time when the world it was at its beginning stages of waking. The baby
boomers seemed to be in such a state of change and excited anticipation to be a
part of this great shift in consciousness. So very asleep they were but so very
hopeful. The sixties were the times of the greatest generational change the
world had ever seen. Traditions were about to be questioned and denied.
Cultures were beginning to change rapidly in terms of time and the world was
heading towards the grand outward display of separation that is in full swing at
this time. Those who feel they must preserve
the status quo as it was and those who have determined they want
liberation from a history that has suppressed so many; held injustice for so
many and repressed women and other groups of minorities. Both sides play their roles so perfectly at
this time. The changes that mankind has seen on the earth since Robins entrance
into time in the early 50’s and his exit in August of 2014 have been of the
most remarkable and profound of any time period in earth’s history. He came to
assist as did so many in their utter love of mankind, in a process called the
Great Awakening. A process the earth is in at this time and will continue as
the shift in consciousness is in currently taking place.
Robin speaks
My death assumed so tragic by many is
in reality, my reality and that reality that knows that death is but a transition
into another realm is completed and yet I come forward to tell you some things
of my life that I now understand or perhaps I should say I remember. I entered
into a family whose constitution was quite rigid. I felt often that I was born
into the wrong family but now I know that was and could not be so. I planned as
did you my life, my parents, my location of birth, my many associates both dear
and near and even those whose lives touched mine only briefly. I planned it all
in terms of every soul whose path crossed mine. It is wake up time on earth and
I contributed to this moment with my career, which touched lives within a
memory that I carried in my eyes.
It was no secret to the world that I
was a wild child of the sixties. I dabbled to the place of addiction and what
addiction was to me was my process in life to know expression and then without
my crutch live that expression in a completely different energy. The ease with
which my words flowed was my gift and that gift I came with was both my
salvation and my great despair. To grant to others that gift of laughter began
for me the brightest of moments I could ever know. To think that I was
‘responsible’ for someone to enter into that place of laughter, well there was
nothing like it in terms of joy and satisfaction. I do know now that laughter
is an energy of expression that stops the minds alteration within judgment and
grants the body a shot in vibration of purest memory; like an effervescent
shower of joy one is physically revitalized and can even know great healing
within that energy, that great expression. They say, well I say that you are
never closer to god in a body than when you are laughing your ass off. The
feeling is of the highest physical emotion. Time literally stops in terms of
aging when one is laughing. So laugh often and laugh long if you want to stay
I speak to your hearts this moment to
relay to you certain facts or truths about my life and ask only that you think
of me in terms of NOW as NOW I am in a place of unimaginable beauty and peace.
I am pain free both physically as I don’t have a physical body to know pain in
and mentally as again I don’t have a physical body to hold my head in my hands
and feel the pain called depression that I endured for a very long time. It was
my plan in life to gift others with that great expression called laughter as well
my performances which spoke stories onto
the heart because it is within the heart that you will know of my soul and look
to my life and death as not of sorrow but of reflection onto your own life. I
was of the sameness of all. I knew hard times and joyful times but I must say
that although I could grant that lightness of heart, I spent more time in the
darkness of great forgetfulness; always looking for answers until the moment
came when I wanted to understand myself so desperately, that I heard the voice
within tell me that my time was up; that I would be introduced to a challenge
that I was not going to take. That too was my plan that when I heard the final
call to ‘endure’ yet another challenge, I
would decline. In my final days, for some reason deep within me I was very
excited. I knew what I was going to do but the excitement was something I
didn’t quite understand for there were those of earth I love so dearly and that
was my hesitation of course but my soul was leading me home and that was a
voice I could not resist. I know now that my excitement was that I would be
going home. I would be free. No more struggle or survival issues and no more
self-judgment. My judgments towards myself were torture.
I would like to speak to you about
suicide as it has been of such a fearful and judged and some say despicable and
cowardly way to go. Well each soul on earth holds a beautiful blueprint; a plan
they come onto the earth ‘with’. Suicide is a ‘method’ of death. It is sudden
and shocking and leaves within its wake many who know the devastation and often
guilt of the act. Suicide can be a gift one gives to those they leave behind
for it can open their hearts; albeit by breaking them open and introduce them
to a new way of living; a new way of thinking and believing. It often begs the
question of ‘where are you now’?, “where did you go so suddenly”? Your life
force could not just have ended”. And it then may take them onto a journey to
gain understanding; understanding that that ‘place’ of life after death is also
that same place of life before birth. That understanding or memory can awaken
one to a new way of thinking. Remember that they are eternal and they are on
the earth for a reason and perhaps one of the greatest reasons that the huge number
of souls currently inhabits the earth is to assist in this grand awakening that
is taking place. Suicide is a death of many whys and what if’s and if onlys but
I would like to speak to the hearts of all who view this and let you know that
my method of exiting my body allows those questions to be asked for the sole
purpose of igniting the wonder and questioning of life and death and perhaps to
some awaken an urgency within to gain understanding and compassion towards
those in their lives who would gain much from their kindness.
Each soul upon the plane of earth is
perfection; living out their own unique plan, so to judge another is quite
literally a waste of time. It holds no relevance to one’s life other than to
alter their own mind disallowing beauty in. My judgments were onto myself
therefore I kept a huge distance from myself as well as others. I came onto the
earth with a very specific desire within my plan to perform and present to
others limited moments of joy through their own voice in laughter. In my death
I wish to present that memory as well by transmitting my great disregard for
the fear of death. Please know I am not ‘promoting’ death I’m simply stating
that by releasing the fear of death one can truly live.
A few moments on my homecoming and I
will let you be. I was greeted by the most magnificent colors and sounds I have
never heard in my body. I was as if
RUSHED with love. This love is like nothing of earth. It was so familiar yet so
very foreign because I was used to my body taking in all the emotions I lived
both good and bad and love was very good on earth but this was so beyond that.
Then I realized I wasn’t IN A BODY and that rush of love turned into pure
understanding. I have heard of a life reviews and part of me was very hesitant.
After all I knew very well some of the shenanigans I pulled. This review did
come almost immediately and it too was beautiful for all those ‘things’ I
judged of myself were as if blanketed with understanding and love you could
call a forgiveness I granted myself. There is no time where I dwell which is a
strange concept but only in a body will you know time. These words I give you fall short, so short in
terms of relaying to you the beauty of the other side but I feel the urgency to
speak to you who hear this of the fallacy of so many things and perhaps in time
I will but for this moment please know that I am in peace, great peace. I
fulfilled my story; I followed my plan and know so very well the struggles many
face in these times on earth when the fear is pressing down upon them. If I
could leave you with a word of wisdom that I have returned to I would say to
you……….. be kind, just be kind. It isn’t hard to do and it could be the moment
that changes one’s life and it could be the moment that changes your own life.
In laugher you will touch yourself in
a way that gives you a memory of life outside of struggle and fear and when you
laugh with others you connect at the heart. So laugh often, laugh hard as it
tickles your cells it can restore them to their perfection.
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