News of the Day: The Stock Market in 2008

My brother Rick passed away a little over three years ago from brain cancer. He may have left his body but he is still very much alive and assisting me. I often ask his perspective. I will share on this blog those insights that maybe helpful.

October 11, 2008

Hey Rick what is going on. What a wild ride this last week in the stock market. Please give me your perspective thanks.

It is within the summations held that this ‘crisis’ will eventually come back into line with the status quo; things will turn around, stocks will eventually regain and all will be well however there will simply NEVER BE the status quo as that PLACE itself is diminishing into oblivion and it will feel as though each stands alone in this new reality that comes to greet them and as you know they truly do. One MUST STAND ALONE to know the place of standing with all and the thing is ~ that is the direction of this world to stand together for once one has known that aloneness of self they touch something within that directs them ever towards humanity itself. Standing alone does not necessarily mean at all that one stands by themselves or with no others around in their lives but it is a depth of loneliness that one feels before the flush of ‘self’ enters and for many the thought of being alone is terrifying, not even recognizing that they are already filled with loneliness in the midst of many. Within the collective consciousness there is a call for humanity to ‘come together’ and within that call the individual MUST stand alone to enter into their own hearts their own individualness that holds a blueprint of their life, a direction onto their soul for it is the prize that won’t be found until looked for and to look for it one must come ‘alone’ or become self focused to do so. Again that doesn't mean you must leave a spouse or family or job or community although that is the case for some. It means that you take back onto yourself your great power which is your FOCUS and direct that focus inwardly for that is where ones discovers this PLACE (of self) and it is like walking through a doorway into the warmth of home. The world ‘outside’ has given directives and rules to follow; basic tenants of reality which states that being selfish is unacceptable and that is usually one of the first ‘rules of reality’ that children learn but selfishness is a gift to self within a ‘word’ that holds negative connotations. The words can be changed to honor one’s selfishness as self love; self adoration. The SECRET TO LIFE, TO LOVE TO JOY TO PEACE TO ALL THINGS WONDERFUL begins with self love and that secret has been very well hidden through the manipulation of the powers that be through religion and government and society which IS the reality of the world presently. Religion teaches that you are sinners thus unlovable. Government teaches that you must conform to a standard thus deny your individuality which denies yourselves. To live for the good of the community has become a lie onto the ploy of the governments that have enslaved the people into believing that the government is ‘by the people/for the people’. In truth the government picks and chooses who will benefit from their authority. Society speaks of the many cultures that are sprinkled throughout the various pockets on earth based literally upon the energies of one’s DNA, vibration and blueprint. So there are many distractions onto entering a place of self adoration mostly because it was NEVER PROMOTED. The word itself ~‘selfish’ is laced within energies that speaks its ‘wrongness’ when trying to abide in the world of religion/government and society. It would appear that to enter a place of self love one must distance themselves from all three facets of reality. Those in the past who have tried for the most part were rejected but know that no one can know the sting of rejection from the world around them unless they KNOW rejection within. It is not something that is created for you, it is self created thus displayed TO you.

In this time and day you will NOT leave the world to enter onto ‘self’. It was of your design to do so right where you are. You can liken it to an infiltration of a reality rather than a battle for a reality. The group whose design was to enter earth and secure a consciousness upon her has been working for decades to do just that. Many have no idea as they have been so focused on their own lives and trying to elevate themselves to a place of peace. That IS THE MISSION. To stand upon the earth in the vibration of Peace is what you came to do……..period. Many others like myself determined we would assist in this raising of consciousness by transmuting fear through death.

Within the world at this time come many distractions to one’s very psyche. There are so many views and BELIEFS that are screaming across the screen of one’s mind not to mention their TVs and computers as well daily interactions. From the depth of one’s DNA comes forth their long held beliefs and their very constitutions are being rattled. Fears are enlivened that have been dormant. Fears and beliefs that have not been expressed before are showing forth. Many do not understand that within them lives emotions that they inherited onto their DNA from ancestors. They begin to relive a hatred that they don’t have reason to own but it is there and it is there because they declared they would inherit it in order to transmute it. They inherited it so they could come onto the planet and enliven it in a conscious manner to deny it thus gifting it BACK ONTO THEIR LINEAGE. Who says you can’t change the past. That is exactly what you came to do. HEAL THE PAST. As those inherited emotions explode within bodies that have never even experienced the history they are expressing those emotions. Racism, sexism, hatred, fear and many other emotions of long ago are still alive within the bodies of those who carried it forward. Like a inherited illness it is lighting up the bodies of those whose time is upon them to change their course OR not.
The greatest emotion of all that lives and is expressing currently is the fear that blocks the love that is pushing hard against the earth and her inhabitants. Love is not the mushy man made definition that involves perhaps a man and woman or parent child because that love is still tinged with fear if it holds any conditions upon it. What is pushing upon the planet is a love that knows allowance to all, recognizing that all are a piece of god embodied; here on the planet to fulfill their own destiny, follow their own blueprint and abide in their own love. This love is a vibration that is causing a light to expand within the bodies of mankind and in that expansion there is great resistance to the bits and pieces of fear hidden within all. This fear is a vibration that cannot abide with love therefore the expansion of love greatly awakens and rattles the fear. This fear expansion is causing people to feel something that is to say the least very uncomfortable but in that discomfort many decisions and declarations are being made. What each are given is the opportunity to align with an old world, an old reality where they are encouraged to CONTINUE to live in a fashion and reality that denies THEMSELVES or begin a journey of great expansion within the light of their own love. The world is in the battle once predicted as the final war, the end times, the Armageddon. That war is being waged NOW upon the planet. It is waged individually and collectively. It is the war within. It is the war between the light and dark as they say. It is truly the war between love and fear and it is fought upon the battleground of each body that steps forth to face the enemy ‘within’, an enemy that is tired of the fight and wants to absorb this fear into its demise. The enemy of fear can be dissolved in love and then a great peace prevails. Once within that vibration of self love there is a change of reality and one is elevated vibrationally and stands alone with all amid a great and glorious moment in the history of humanity. Standing in that vibration IS the assistance you came to give at this time, and in the very location you are in.

So Kath, Take care in these exciting times. Don’t get caught up in the fear it is so very prevalent. Know that fear it is the necessary message that will deliver you/all into a new world.


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Anonymous said…
i am enjoying your blog. great wisdom here.