How Can I Find Peace?

How can I find or know peace in my life?

First, we will say that the peace you seek is ‘peace of mind’ and within that state, peace can and does permeate your body and then your outer world. How do I achieve peace of mind then?
We will begin by explaining what the mind is as there has always been a misunderstanding as to the mind vs. the brain, and this is relevant to what peace of mind truly is.

Can you define the mind vs the brain?

They are absolutely not one and the same. The brain is part of the ‘machinery’ or the human body, as the body is a magnificent vehicle within which the soul/higher self/true you rides. The brain is physical, the mind is not. The brain is the transmitter of thought which comes from the mind.

Does the mind live outside the body? How would you describe it?

The mind is a collection of thoughts that indeed exists outside the body, as if within your auric field. In other words, there is an area that serves as a staging ground for thought, surrounding you. This area operates in accordance with various factors, such as your history—both of your current life and your past lives—your family, your culture, your schooling, your interactions with others, the society you are a part of, and the media, as well as any and every manner in which thoughts come to you or originate from you. Based on the attraction that one holds towards those thoughts, they are either dismissed as non-desired or not understood, or they are sent forth to the brain for 'determination' as to whether they fit within the frequency that the brain is resonating within, and if they can be accepted/maintained and eventually emotionalized.

So the mind is where thought COMES FROM and the brain is where thoughts are accepted or rejected and emotionalized?


The mind may be incomprehensible to truly define as it is beyond human understanding. It is something beyond the imagination, but it is where the imagination lives. It is the foundation of creation. So for the purpose of understanding what the mind vs. the brain ‘is’, we will speak of what can be understood of the mind.

The mind is where all thoughts ‘comes from’ and are created. It is THE most expansive ‘place’ that can be imagined although it is not a PLACE at all. It is the core of all physical creation. There is the mind of humanity (all humans), and there is the mind of God (Creative Source). The mind of God is what has created simply through thought the whole of the universe and of course the Earth in all her magnificence. The mind of God (Creative Source) created humans in their image, meaning it gave them the ability to create as well. It bestowed upon them the gift of free will, granting them the exact same ability to create through thought, shaping their realities, just as the Creative Source created all things through thought. However, humans have created within a very limited expression.

What has limited their creations?

Humans are indeed creators. They have all crafted their own realities based on the thoughts they have 'accepted' and then imbued with emotion. They are constrained by their beliefs, which are essentially thoughts that have been accepted and agreed upon, then emotionalized and realized. The majority of humanity creates very unconsciously because one of their fundamental beliefs is that they inhabit a world of survival. Within this paradigm, they maintain a frequency of fear. In other words, each soul born prior to the year 2000 entered a world where human creators limited their creativity due to the prevailing vibration of fear, which still persists to a significant extent. When one vibrates in fear and survival mode, they act according to what they feel they must do to maintain a sense of safety. The thoughts they hold in emotion resonate with this frequency, where survival is the primary concern. This survival emotion or energy could revolve around aspects such as job security, financial stability, relationships, health, or anything that triggers a fear of loss.

So for eons of time the world has lived within the vibration of FEAR and therefore those thoughts of a matching vibration (fear) have been allowed by the brain in its limitation to come forth and become emotionalized. Which is the same thing as creating ones reality. One’s reality is based upon their belief system(s) turned emotional that then flow through one’s body.

At what point and how do one’s beliefs/thoughts turn into emotion or creation?

That is the foremost aspect of inheritance. Each soul brings with it many emotions (thoughts) that ignite throughout its lifetime, according to the soul’s plan, for a multitude of reasons. New thoughts, whether through attention, design, or desire, also ignite into emotions throughout their lives.
So is the brain ‘in charge’ of allowing thoughts into one’s life and what does that depend on?
Let us state that this ‘lifetime’ is like no other, as it is THE life for humanity to raise its vibration, consciousness, and awareness in understanding who they are. You are all creators, and although you beautiful creators have been doing so since you came to the planet, you have done so unconsciously. This time of great shift and awakening is for the purpose of remembering who you truly are. This period on Earth is defined as the shift from the vibration of fear to the vibration of love. During this time on Earth and within human consciousness, the brain is opening its pathways to accept higher vibrational thoughts of love, kindness, compassion, community, oneness, peace, joy, laughter, lighthearted fun, and more. This brings alive the excitement and experience of consciously creating your lives, awakening to who you are, bringing joy into the world, and shedding light on the darkness. It is the time to create a new world for humanity, where fear is not the primary vibration.
So, you could say that the brain is in charge, or it is the mechanism within the body that allows new, higher vibrational thoughts to enter, thereby creating a new reality. This process of elevating the brain and body to a higher vibrational state has been 'allowed,' so to speak, through great intention, as intention is one of the most powerful forces for change. A massive number of souls came into this lifetime to experience a shift in human consciousness, whereby the lower vibrational thoughts that have been fueling humanity for millennia would begin to shift into higher vibrational ones. Intention would signal the brain to open its pathways, allowing thoughts of love to travel through the body. Through collective intention, this process began to take place over time, starting in the 1950s. Much of the shift was quite unconscious until the late '80s. Within the planning of this incredible shift in humanity, the intentions grew to a point where this shift in consciousness and higher vibrational thought is now absolute. Humanity is in the midst of this grand shift in consciousness, moving from the vibration of fear to love, and transitioning from fear-based thoughts as the predominant creative driver on the planet to those of peace.

So, in response to the question of how to achieve peace, we say again that peace is first and foremost PEACE OF MIND—a quiet mind with peaceful thoughts. These thoughts would resonate at a higher vibrational frequency. To attain this, one needs to release their 'fear thoughts' or the fear vibration. How does one do that? Before anything can change in anyone’s life, there must be recognition and realization of what it is one wants to change. You cannot change something if you do not acknowledge it. You can only make this remarkable shift from fear to love by first acknowledging that you are the creator of your reality, based on your thoughts, emotions, desires, intentions, as well as your life’s plans and designs. If you remain in a mindset that attributes your reality to others—whether by blaming or giving credit to another—and exclude yourself from the creative process, you maintain a vibration of fear. This is because you perceive yourself to be at the mercy of others or external circumstances, when in truth, you CREATE IT ALL.

Peace comes forth when you recognize thoughts that are not peaceful, those that contain any type or kind of fear. Once you identify the category of your thoughts, you can release them simply by acknowledging them as fear thoughts and choosing beautiful thoughts instead. You do not need to go back and clear up any fearful thinking you held in the past; you do not need to fix anything you once believed. You do not need to spend time within your history of thoughts. Instead, move to a place of NOW where you declare all your thoughts are beautiful. Even if you do not focus on any particular thought, just make the statement that your thoughts are beautiful. Period. As you become more aware of your thoughts and recognize them as either 3D or 5D—thoughts of fear or love—you can make clearer decisions. By declaring yourself in peace, you hold the power to create that reality by alleviating, dropping, ignoring, or releasing thoughts that are not of peace. This, in turn, will raise your vibration and heighten your awareness and understanding of who you are—the creator of your thoughts, and thus, your reality.

This may sound absurdly simple; however, you are shifting realities, and this new reality on the horizon is simple. It is a matter of RECOGNIZING the thoughts you hold and asking yourself which consciousness they belong to (3D vs. 5D) as they occur. Before now, you may not have been able to stop and observe your thoughts, categorizing them accordingly. But within the current energy of the planet, you can, because the vibration falling upon the Earth has opened the brain ENOUGH to do just that.

To answer the question of how to find peace, you simply declare those thoughts that hold peace as your new resting place, your new position, your new focus. The NOW is a real place, a real frequency, and within it, no fear thoughts can enter. Entering the NOW means releasing all fear thoughts, all past history, and all future thoughts to stand in a place of peace. It takes practice until the intention and desire to live there become emotionalized and thus realized, meaning it becomes your reality.


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Scott said…
Excellent message. Thank you!