News of the Day: 2023 Israel-Hamas Crisis

October 8, 2023

What is being viewed as horrific, tragic and an unprovoked attack on Israel is far more than what meets the eye. It could be said that there has been provocation for a very long time; others could say this was completely out of the blue as there was no indication or intelligence to prevent this attack that is opening up a humanitarian crisis but the event took place, the attack happened and now the results will bring into view more of man’s inhumanity to man. Why on a spiritual level did this occur and why now?

The area of the Middle East has long been a land of great inequality and great suppression of the female energies. What does that have to do with what happened? This energy that is rising from within and assisted from without holds a very different vibration from that of the male energy and it has been so suppressed in that it is taking hold and is disrupting every aspect of the culture and society as well as the individuals who are so opposed to the change that equality of the sexes would bring and because of this there is an intense ‘unconscious’ anger among a great population of the men that they are choosing to use aggression to try and calm this energy within them. When this anger is misplaced, it is felt as ‘suppression’ period and if feeling suppressed there needs to be a focus on something or someone to blame. It would seem absurd and ludicrous to even mention that this event was due to the female energy rising but in truth it is the results of this that is causing so much anger and angst, hatred and unsettled feelings among the men of this area that the aggression and suppression that is being felt is coming out in ways of simply wanting to fight and Hamas and Israel are using the face of one another to create this moment when all-out war seems to be the way to manage incredible angst and fear.

The timing of this, as it has already been defined, war, and comes when the rest of the world is as well in chaos. The US is so divided that they could be viewed as weak; Russia is determined to finish their war with a win as they assume Ukraine’s allies will falter and you would think that worldwide there is nothing but terrible news but we view it very differently.

We see that this war was not only provoked but provided with great assistance from outside forces that appear to be the victims. We see that it was the perfect ploy to create a war as there is much corruption taking place and it would be advantageous to declare war and use that declaration to obtain an outcome that had been desired for years but we also see as with Ukraine that this war will provoke much in the way of expanding upon an energy that many across the globe are calling forth. It will create an army of those who seek to end war and inhumanity, it will ignite compassion and desire by far more than those who would like to continue this game of power over others and greed. The weapons of those who hold the desire for peace is the energy they ignite and it creates a fire within to end the absolute absurdity and devastation of such an archaic manner of settling things. You have no idea of the power of energy for that is what creates. You could say everything is energy and even as it cannot be ‘seen’, it can always be felt if you are paying attention. The energy upon the planet is shifting greatly from a fear-based platform of anger, aggression, hatred, war and many more low frequency emotions/energies to a higher frequency of love and compassion and peace. These wars provide the millions who decry it to emit from within them the energies that oppose fear and that is a calmness within peace for just as internal fear begets fear; peace sends out a signal onto the planet that in numbers becomes more powerful than you could imagine. That is why it is important to stay in peace, send compassion and stay out of fear. That is what you came to do. You came to shift the energies of the planet from fear to love and the way to do so is to look out onto the world and no matter what appears, send light and love to the situation; feel compassion for those who are experiencing what seems so tragic and KNOW that each soul who is experiencing this knew before birth that they would be a part of this and their death and wounds would compound the energy of compassion. One holds no fear of dying as they are planning their life’s story. They view death as a return home so KNOW that the power you hold within you is unimaginable to your way of thinking.

This area of the world has long been a place of unrest. Kindness to other’s way of thinking (religion) has not been something the Middle East has ever been known for and although you could say that the struggles of mankind have always been therefore they will always be, we assure you what you will come to see upon this land that has been so very divided as though a miracle. Anyone and everyone can assist in creating this new Earth that is ‘destined’ to be by joining this new army of peace. It will be known to be the most powerful army on Earth. As you watch this play out, and it will be a while, pour love upon it, do not feel the anger that is easy to slip into; emit the image of peace; feel compassion towards the situation and KNOW that what seems like a horror story upon the Earth, the fighting by those who want to secure an old world that held great benefit to those in power is not to remain supported by and energy that created the division in the first place. A new energy is spreading across the land and it holds more power than any weapon of war and it is coming from you. So, if you think that one person can’t change the world, think again. You do so by changing your own world; by bringing peace to yourself you elicit peace out onto the world.


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