October 10, 2023
My dad passed away in 1997. I began writing from him asking all kinds of questions; personal and otherwise. The below message is from over 20 yrs ago but since abortion is back in the news in recent years I've found it pretty interesting and wanted to share. My dad was a devout catholic so his ‘after life’ opinions really surprised me. Things have changed a lot in 23 years but some things still remain the same. ~Kathleen
Another one of the hottest issues of ‘morality’ at this time on Earth is abortion. You might think that being on the other side and in the “arms of God”, I would surely condemn such an act. I do not condemn anything because I see with a wider vision the issues of the world as well as the reasons they are being raised.
In addressing the rules of your world I will give you two of its main tenets. “The male of the species is superior to the female” and a direct offshoot of that one is that "A woman’s primary role and function is giving birth/life". These rules of reality would naturally follow one another because as a world of men and women, each must know their place. You are quite aware of the many and various beliefs within these two statements of course since they have been played out for millenniums. That ‘rule’ or 'law of reality' in regards to women’s position naturally identifies them as first and foremost 'mothers'. Motherhood has been that title that was/is revered and sanctioned as the greatest role a woman can play. An unquestioned and desired role of womankind, it is a role that upholds the nature and the identity that has kept the world in a place of imbalance and inequality between the sexes. The consciousness has only just begun to even allow thoughts of the breaking down of the whole concept of ‘motherhood’ to be explored and certainly there are the masses who still won’t hear of such a thing, but it has already been part of the underground movement that was not outwardly identified as the desire to give up that role as the primary identity of woman. If you were to say “we are attempting to give up ‘motherhood in our feminist movement” there would not have been the support for such a movement, but gaining freedom from your existing ‘roles’ was also thwarting motherhood. Women, as men, have been feeling the discomfort of their roles and identities for quite a while. The desire to relinquish ‘motherhood’ as a role has NOTHING to do with the love a mother feels towards her children, it has to do with the concepts that that identity holds. It has to do with the desire to express oneself in freedom without the comparisons and judgments that an identity puts upon them. The discomforts of ALL ROLES are beginning to be felt within your generation. To question the role of motherhood invokes the difficulty of expressing your dissatisfaction with such an honored role. How could anyone disrespect that role?
If you look to the feminist movement you will see that woman have been re-identifying ‘motherhood’ for decades but it was not labeled as such. It has been for woman a time of saying loudly that they want freedom. Freedom from their roles and identities inherited. They want to no longer carry the reality that says they are subservient or unequal to men, that they are inferior beings, that they are playing their BEST role as mothers. Woman and men have been looking to each other to gain something that only they alone can give to themselves and that is ‘freedom’ and it is not freedom from a prison of bars but a prison of their own beliefs about themselves and their ‘inherited’ reality.
So abortion is now a subject that says several things within the world and it raises the beliefs and I will say the fears of those who believe that ‘motherhood’ must be kept intact. Abortion is seen at a subconscious level by many as the very destruction of a reality that would keep the status quo. To kill an unborn child is to ‘kill motherhood” and to kill the reality as we know it. Do you find it interesting that the most vocal and emotional and adamant and even ‘militant’ of those voices against abortion are those of men? Motherhood upholds the first tenet of the reality in which men in their position hold superiority which allows woman to hold ‘their’ position therefore the threat of a woman changing her position directly impact the ‘men’s’ position. This of course is not the feelings of all men by any means. There are many who have come to the end of any desire to cling to something that just does not satisfy them and more often makes them uncomfortable and unhappy. You will find that those who tend to want to moralize about things to others are those who want to maintain the reality of male superiority and justify this by quoting scriptures or backing up their beliefs through religion. Much of what I tell you is in regards to very subconscious or unconscious beliefs held.
Abortion came into the consciousness those many years ago and made a statement that was clear and concise. It said to woman that they now have a choice and an avenue of ‘choosing’ to hold motherhood on your own terms. They may choose to change an identity and carry it when or if they so desire therefore that identity and role becomes one of personal freedom.’
Motherhood by no means is ‘going away’. That is not the purpose of abortion. But it does assist in the shifting of the imposed reality that has maintained upon the earth. Motherhood of freedom or motherhood on one’s own terms has become available through abortion which empowers woman to change the reality itself. It certainly enables them to change their own ‘personal’ reality. It gives choice where choice was not before.
Is abortion immoral? Since I am beyond ALL judgments, that question to me is not answered according to the parameters of your reality but in my reality there is no such thing as ‘moral or immoral’. All decisions are based upon the soul’s divine right to choose or their free will. All choices are a part of or based upon a blueprint or design one holds that identifies them according to their reality. The trick is to go beyond your own self-created reality based upon judgments to see yourself and others as perfect souls residing in bodies. That is how I view you and that is how you will eventually come to remember yourself. Do you need to ‘die’ to do so? Many will but many will not.
Everyone on Earth is entering into the energy that is calling them to question certain things they have not before. There have been those who have been bringing forth this (questioning) energy and anchoring it within their own bodies. The energy acts upon certain areas of the brain that has lay dormant. This ‘energy’ comes forth through the simple questioning of things outside of the current reality. This energy stimulates more questioning which in turn brings forth more ‘memories’ which leads the brain to a place of’ availability’ to relinquish judgments. “Judgment” alters brain frequencies.
You have no idea the impact judgments have upon your lives on earth and you have no idea of the freedom you can experience as you consciously let them go. That, I would say is the goal in your lifetime, to go beyond judgment. What I tell you is far more than a sweet religious or spiritual admonishing, it is science. You can open parts of your brain that cannot be accessed in judgments. I cannot easily explain to you what it will be like to access part of your brain that you have never experienced but I can hint at it. The expression of “Heaven on Earth” is appropriate. That is why you are here in this lifetime or should I say that that is what is ‘available’ to those of Earth at this time, the choice is an individual one
Dad, what about the idea that a woman is ‘killing’ an unborn child and what about the agreement between mother and child. Where does the mistake lie, in the conception or the abortion?
Mistake is not a concept in my world but your question is why does a woman become pregnant only to abort? That I can explain but it will be a ‘generic’ type of explanation.
Each soul who enters the earth holds within them a ‘blueprint’ and within that print there are different ‘avenues’ in which they have chosen to go forth in order to ‘bring’ forth certain emotions and certain experiences. I promise you there is no such thing as “mistakes’ for I see you all as sovereign entities, as co-creators within the energy of God and to say mistakes are made on earth is to say that God makes mistakes and that is not so. Those who cry out of mistakes made only reflect those who condemn themselves or others. Mistakes are judged in the mind and if it is judged against yourself you then go forth to torture yourself in those judgments. If I were to say there was a purpose for that it would be to bring yourself through the energies you hold of judgment to forgive the self for therein lies a place of great purpose. To sit in no judgment against yourself or others is to be free in a world that surrounds you within a species of imprisoned beings who dwell within judgment. I say this to you because each and every soul truly does it their way. In the case of abortion there could be as many different reasons for the individual to choose that as there are reasons for the soul to express itself.
Is Abortion murder?
The statement of ‘murder’ from the perspective of my realm is simply a word or an avenue in which the soul returns to its essence and sheds its body. This may be a difficult concept for your world to grasp but there is no such thing as death as you have defined it. There are no accidents, there are no mistakes even and especially in death therefore murder is a concept in your world not the world where it is understood that the soul does not die. Murder has been held as a most horrifying experiences but those who ‘leave’ are lifted up quickly meaning that in the case of murder if there is great fear that soul is met and guided into the light of memory, the light of God. The plan within murder is often for and about the lessons of those left behind. It sets up a great avenue for understanding and can be a catalyst for enormous spiritual growth. The ultimate act of forgiveness can be offered by those who loved a victim of murder and to forgive the murderer, even if you call it yourself in the case of abortion is to receive a gift that assists the consciousness into that state of forgiveness. It is like you gain a step up on the spiritual ladder. Forgiveness is far more beneficial to your body and your mind than any outside act you could perform. The “good books” tell you to forgive but in forgiving what you do from the view of the spirit world is you literally disengage yourself, your mind from an element (or another) and in so doing you allow for more of a type of spiritual energy to enter into your body and the more of that energy you allow ‘in’ the more you become endowed with understandings that lead to ‘peace’ which of course is your victory on Earth.
I will speak to your heart of your own abortion in which your purpose was not of self-forgiveness but of entrance into a world or place in which you were to bring forth certain areas of understandings through the uniting with another, the father of the unborn. You can look back although long ago in time and realize that you were one person before the abortion and another after. It changed your life so completely yet it did not send you into a world of sorrow or depression it just changed your life. You did not have to think long and hard of this choice it was so absolute the moment you found out you were pregnant. You would get an abortion because you were too young to be a mother and you did not want to give up your youth but that is exactly what you did. You entered into a reality that was no longer of youthful innocence. The abortion prompted your marriage. Don felt guilt over the abortion and thought marriage was the proper thing to do. You felt that marriage was your way of becoming a caretaker without a child, so unconscious to all your ‘real’ motives you entered a place (marriage) which is an energy in itself and within that energy you became another person for your purpose of gaining understandings. Your abortion was symbolically the time when you would kill the child within you (your inner child) and enter into a more adult world. It was the child of ‘you and Don’ you eliminated, meaning the child within you both. Now you might wonder of the ‘actual child’ that you killed and I say to you that there was no soul that was killed because you cannot kill a soul There was a soul that was available knowing full well that there was only a slight possibility of entrance but there was no murder committed. That soul who ‘stood by’ at that abortion those many years ago did enter your life at another time as there were no mistakes made. It was within a declaration of availability that you did not show intention to give birth that a soul was ‘on the alert’ so to speak but there never was an intent on your part to give birth at that time. That was your experience with abortion. Each woman has her own reasons for this act which can open a door to understanding the ‘self’.
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