News of the Day: Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce



September 26, 2023

Anything that is big news within the consciousness, as this seemingly thunderous story of these two is, holds within it the players that are obviously known to the public, either in ways of having fans who admire/adore them for what they do or for things that are not so great or anywhere in between. The reason we make this obvious statement is that those who are known to so many hold within them what we will call an implant. You can call it a public implant, meaning that they will, in whatever fashion they chose before birth, PRESENT to the public a message; one that may/can influence them to follow their manner of thinking/expressing/being. These two both hold public implants on a scale whereby they are presenting something to many millions. They are presenters of the highest order, for they do hold messages that are very much arousing emotions within those who hold opinions one way or the other, and there are many others who hold no opinion whatsoever; they may even be confused or amused by the fuss. As public presenters, Taylor and Travis present to others their belief systems even as they never speak of them; they simply are recognized by the way they live and relate to their public; they are recognized by their energy.

Let’s take a look at Taylor Swift. She came into this life to do exactly as she has done. She has been very determined to follow her/a path that she didn’t/doesn’t always know/remember consciously. She, since childhood, knew she wanted to be a performer. However, she held no clue that she was to be a presenter to so many within the consciousness. She came at a time when there was to be a shift in the consciousness of the earth, brought forth by the shifting of the consciousness of the humans who inhabit the her. This shift is currently taking place; in fact, the Earth is WITHIN THE SHIFT NOW. To simplify, what is happening is that the Earth is shifting or moving from a fear-based platform that humanity has lived upon for millennia to a love-based world where peace becomes the natural state; where judgments towards and against others and self are recognized as an old world’s way of expressing; where compassion and kindness, generosity, helpfulness, laughter, and joy prevail in one’s life; where gratitude expands one’s heart onto the memories of who they truly are. There are many other emotions and definitions that encompass the vibration of love, but to move within that world is to be one who is or can be a great influencer onto others. Taylor Swift embodies those energies. She is filled with the joy of expressing herself. She presents as one who is very human, and yet she does not hold back on sharing her stories. She displays herself to millions, and they love her. Her followers see her light, and she presents to them their own. She holds and gives memories through her songs and with her words. There certainly is no question that this is what she came to do.

Now, just as the Earth is entering a new phase in what looks like chaos, it is simply the reflection of the power of love that is landing upon the soil of planet Earth and upsetting many apple carts. The world is expressing much fear on the world stage because fear is fighting for its life to maintain a power that is dissipating as more and more are waking each day to the messages and memories of love that they came to express. Taylor and her followers are having a wonderful time, in fact, it is what you might say ‘her time’, to enjoy the fruits of her labor and maintain a vibration she came to hold as well as share with the world. She has finally come to a place of exquisite peace and acceptance of herself and is beginning to reflect within her life outwardly this joy that bubbles up within her. She is the epitome of the feminine energy that is gaining power across the land and has been for decades. Where once it was something that women fought for, it has turned into an acceptance or the norm for the generation of Taylor and Travis as he too holds within him the understanding that the equality of male/female is no longer an issue rather it is a given.

So let's take a look at Travis Kelce as he has come to a place within his life that his energy has taken on a hue of his own empowerment. His presentation to the world is within a game that holds very masculine energy even though it has changed that persona to a great degree in the last few years. It is still a male-dominated arena, can be violent at times, uses the game as an avenue to release energies of aggression, etc. He, as did Taylor, came to this lifetime with a specific plan that they would both be quite open and available for and to this shift that is taking place. He would apply his sensitivities to recognize and work through/release those fears that hung within his cells. He is not in attraction to much of the male-dominated ways although he very much enjoys what he is doing and doesn’t see the need to perform in a certain manner or way that speaks of him expressing a ‘maleness’. It was not the way he was brought up, and it doesn’t matter to him to be viewed in any persona other than a decent person. He loves the game, which is ironic as it doesn’t necessarily match his energy, which shows that one can be very good at what they love regardless of how they are expected to align.

So, as with all others in this world, Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce held a plan with one another. They would come together when their energies ‘matched,’ you could say. When they were on the same wavelength as in they held the same frequency. They held this plan within both their souls' agreement, and it certainly appears that that time has come when they were to ignite this firestorm both in their inner and outer worlds. This ignition was immediate, and neither one held back. They are in ‘joy’ and simply having the time of their lives within this crazy, it may seem, union. It is as though they said, when the time comes that we can see beyond the fear of this world we will meet and begin a time together where love can guide us, where we can simply express ourselves together in laughter, fun, and present to those who view this energy we came to express, and that is what they are doing.

Now, what are they presenting to others? Those called the Swifties that have followed and loved Taylor Swift for years are aligning with her vibration; they relate and adore her, and they are overjoyed for what they see within her as she entered this relationship. What makes her happy makes them happy. They are supportive and hold nothing but goodwill toward this as they see it as an adventure these two take together. There are those within Travis Kelce’s camp that are angered by it as it is seen to them as a distraction to a game that is specific to the male energy and don’t like that a woman is entering, not just as a part of his life, but she is taking attention from him and the game. You could call this that fear energy that permeates within anger and jealousy. These two presenters are granting all kinds of emotions to rise, and then there is another faction who almost seems furious at the attention this couple is getting, for they form a beautiful twosome of those considered ‘woke’ or speaking and living within the place of kindness and love and expressing and expanding themselves as they simply are being themselves having fun. They both have devoted their time, energy and persona to causes that some do not want to enter into a new world and would rather banter and blame within a world of fear.  

What is the takeaway regarding these two beautiful souls who apparently are having the time of their lives within the unconscious energies and memories of their plan together? We would say that for those who hold feelings of less than love, you might want to ask yourself why? Why does their expressing with one another make you angry? Is it your own fear speaking that perhaps you do not want this world to shift into a higher frequency? Perhaps you do not want others to enjoy something you don’t or can’t because you are filled with judgements. Perhaps you simply need to live and let live and listen to the messages you are hearing that deny love. 

We see the beauty if this union and free will is what speaks as to where it will lead but it is certainly presenting others with their own beliefs and is granting the opportunity for those whose beliefs do not make them joyful to either change them or to continue within a frequency of fear based system that is dying.  



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