February 15, 2021
There is love; there is fear. In which category do you put
belief systems or beliefs? In this movement there are as in any belief system snippets
of truth, snippets of love presumably and a whole lot of fear. What some call a
cult appears when one is ignited by something that feels very right to them,
even loving but explodes in fear. That is the Qanon movement and it is
purposefully being exploited by those politicians that are using it for their
gain of power.
For many women it called to them by pulling at their
heartstrings in regards to the abuse of children and they were netted into a world
that was set up for them to engage in many emotions that were ‘right up their
ally’ so to speak. As with many groups the alignment with this group fit their
needs. If you look at those emotions within the group, they speak of things
such as victimhood. They feel that victimization by a system or any other
authoritarian symbol in their lives; could be parents, teachers, clergy etc.
They are angry. It isn’t always required to hold a specific anger, it is anger
itself that is being enlivened through this group. They want justice for
themselves so they find someone or something to rage against as the
It is a brilliant marketing scheme. It markets to those who
want to be heard; who don’t want to feel alone; who have felt minimized and
left out. Perhaps one of the greatest draws is just being in a group itself.
They find camaraderie, allies and feeling they are not alone. Of course as
stated there are pieces of truth in every group which are then expanded and
expounded upon to become absolute truths. If thousands of people agree on
something then it must be right. This group in its makeup and energy is not
dissimilar from many religious groups. It checks all the boxes. I hold the truth. I can back it up by the
number of people who agree with me. It makes me feel like I belong.
Who are the candidates for this group? There is a lot of
anger in their messaging. Someone or someone(s) have done them wrong and they
are angry, so they gather together in their anger and it makes them feel strong
and powerful.
Once the feelings of alignment are established it is
difficult to break through the emotions that have been felt. They feel a type
of enlightenment that has separated them from the masses that they feel are
satisfied with the status quo. Sheeple they call them. They begin to feel a superiority
in knowing that those who do not believe as they do are wrong or ignorant or
stupid and need to understand their way of thinking. They speak often of
freedom for they believe the suppressors have manipulated the world through
mass indoctrination and hypnosis. Conspiratorial statements grow and even if
many do not harbor them all, they have already established their position
within this group and will either accept them or ignore them but continue on
with their position as a supporter of qanon.
The glue that holds this group as any/all allies is purely EMOTION.
Once a belief becomes emotionalized it becomes one’s reality. It doesn’t matter
the nature of a group if emotions are involved it is very difficult to
de-emotionalize. That is why some call it a cult because it appears that no
matter what the ‘proof’ to the contrary of their ideas are, their emotions are
much stronger than another’s voice. You are seeing this in many areas of the
world today.
So let’s look at this emotion that binds this group; Anger.
Anger is just another flavor of fear. There are many different flavors that
have been “umbrellaed” under the label of fear: to name a few; racism,
violence, unkindness, cruelty, jealousy, hatred, dishonesty, sadness, comparison,
insecurity, misogyny, manipulation and much more.
The world of fear is peaking because it is being literally
lifted from the bodies of humanity to be released. One does not let go of their
ingrained cellular fears until they recognize them; until they can honestly see
that what they are following is a fear based culture, a me against them
declaration that holds them in a position of fearing something, someone or
their own lack of power.
Is Qanon wrong? It is neither wrong or right it is simply a
platform on which many who stand there resonating in fear and attracting it to
themselves will either continue to bring that fear to them, those symbols of
fear their way, or one day realize they are no longer attracted. Some will
never give it up but it is just another manner or vessel that people can use to
heighten fear within them to the place of its release………or its magnitude.
The earth is entering a time of incredible shift. The
consciousness of fear or the 3rd Dimension is leaving the earth as
it is moving into 5D or love. You could argue that it certainly doesn’t look
like a world where love is the dominate reality but the truth is the vibration
of love has landed and what you view is the opposite because it is the more
vocal. There is much to show love expanding the globe; you are seeing that fear
is fighting for its life. It has already lost its power and love has won that
illusive fight between dark and light; between love and fear.
At the end of the day each soul must make their own choice.
There will be no group of any sort escorting you across the veil. You are on
your own when it comes to your choices in life and there are, bottom line, only
two. Fear or Love.
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