October 30, 2020
Can you tell me what it is that drives or what attracts those supporters to Trump and the cult thing, is that real and what exactly constitutes a cult?
When you revised your thinking to give his supporters that ‘benefit of the doubt’ in terms of their desires to expanse their ‘freedom from government’, ‘freedom from the shackles of the power upon them’, you struck a note as to what it is they are ‘thinking’. This shift in consciousness that has been taking place has/is you could say absolute freedom to express and many have been lured into thinking that the government is the devil, authoritarian, evil, repressive and more. They were feeling their desire to express which of course is what the 5D attraction is; has been to all who are restless within their feelings of expressing. That is their thinking which does align with what the vibration is calling for. In other words many of his followers feel the excitement of this new dimension coming, calling it freedom and feeling that their lack of freedom, security, safety, survival, individuality, happiness was based upon a government that had become so oppressive that it (the government) was denying them their freedom. Now that bit of energy/emotion/vibration has been stirred across the country by almost ‘all’ (desire for freedom, but in their (Trump supporters) mind it became and resonated to them as he came forth and promised just that. His brilliant marketing (as planned) spoke to the hearts of those who wanted to be free pure and simple and he told them that he could give them that freedom by depleting the government of its power. Along the way in making the government evil, he brought into it the/his opposition ‘the democrats’ or any/every other of opposition to be his/their enemy and within the energies or defining of a cult it is usually the same meaning that when one is looking, searching, craving answers, relief, understanding they are attracted to something or someone who can satisfy that craving by his words, suggestions, insinuations etc. What they hear is ‘you feel like me and you have the power to help me feel that power’. So if they acquiesce to this one even if it is just one single and simple statement that resonates they grant power to him and in so doing they become aligned and energetically loyal to things that go beyond their original alignment and that is a powerful energy/emotion. No different from religion when one submits to someone (even if that someone is dead) a belief system arises and many things that were once deemed unacceptable become acceptable overlooking their sensibilities because as you know, emotions TRUMP reason or logic. So the ignition by the millions onto Trump’s promises brought through emotions that are very strong, supporting what once began as their freedom. They have demonized democrats and any/all others who are against him. They feel for certain they are claiming their freedom which is a 5D concept and attractive to all but got lost in the details and are reaping their own anger in the process. They are imitating and mimicking him and it is within your power of understanding this that you can view the events of earth from a perspective. His followers feel certain things that in the face of it sound not bad. They want health, happiness and the freedom to express themselves but they depend on him for this thus opening expressing and moving towards that into the outer world. Of course he will disappoint and dismay them as their sight becomes clearer and their disillusionment becomes apparent as have so many already. So in a nutshell his followers want the outer world to give them something only they can give themselves. They want to hold power, he promises that, they want freedom (from oppression) only they can give to themselves etc. like a mob mentality they push forth his agenda to grant to themselves freedom and they have given the lack of freedom the name of government, democrats, regulations etc.
So for now your understanding will eliminate any feelings for or against anyone of this devotion as with all things love is your greatest power to assist anyone/all. Each who follow him hold their own unique position/place energy and emotions towards him but his foundation is one of fear. The economy his biggest offering of freedom is baseless that it will hand out happiness or freedom but it is a rather grand promise, stating I can also, with my great economy give you comfort in knowing that you are safe in a world of survival when the only safety is within the introduction to that power within as NO OTHER could ever give to you what you and only you can give to yourself.
So become that observer and you will know where the consciousness of the United States stands in this here and now be it along those fear lines or those lines of faith in self and love, kindness, compassion, helpfulness, appreciation and the many 5D traits that are entering the minds and hearts of the people of this country.
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