News of the Day: Trump's Presidency and Its Spiritual Lessons

Three years ago  was the last time I posted on this blog. Trump had won the election. i thought I would check back and see if there is anything new to report. After three years and many emotions, I still wanted to understand why he was elected. I feel this info at last gives me the understanding I  can accept.

September 17, 2019

What is the spiritual lesson or reason behind the current president of the United States……Donald Trump?

In the world of 3D, the world you entered into, the current world of earth whereby the single most definable definition is that it is ruled by fear, the energy of fear, you are viewing one who is the perfect symbol OF THAT WORLD. In other words Donald Trump is the epitome, the perfection, the absolute symbol of 3D itself.

Fear is the umbrella energy under which many different named energies and emotions live. Anger, rage, discrimination, misogyny, inequality, brutality, paranoia, power over others, cruelty, survival, lying, meanness, bullying and many other elements of the human consciousness  are stored. The 3D planet that you came to was swirling and twirling in such chaos as a world war was ending and a time was unimaginably prone to enter into a new world, one where war (fear) was no longer looked to as something of a patriotic righteous act that pitted human against human. The beginning of the end of the conscious of fear was the end of that war when those who hold rule over this planet, those ‘councils’ if you wll declared that the weapon that ended the war would never again be used in such a horrendous manner onto humanity. Since earth is a free will state, no intervention (as in coming forth and commanding ANYTHING), was permissible. So millions and millions of souls came rushing forth with a promise to uplift onto change a consciousness that was so separated from the beauty of who they are, who all are and what the source energy called God desired the beautiful globe of earth to be.

Each who came, came in amnesia/forgetfulness to who they were. Their mission was to begin at some point in their lives their own personal journey to lift from the earth that fear that saturated it and created a consciousness s of separation from self and others. Now just how does one lift from the earth an energy called fear? There is only one way and that is through their own body. They would bring forth through absolutely ANY circumstance, word or sight, at a very young age the energy of fear and a long journey into life would begin within that energy, an energy that literally ruled their way of life. Each time fear was experienced in the body it would accumulate in specific areas.

Beginning in the mid 80’s there was the great evaluation that was scheduled in order to see how those called the baby boomers were ‘doing’ in their planning. How was the fear element working in lives? There were those who used substances to calm their fears and only heightened them. There were those who used their marriage to bring them their desired ‘amount’ of fear to hold. Many used sexual abuse to elevate fear in their lives. Domestic violence was a big one. The biggest perhaps of all was self loathing. This is a type of fear that is way under the radar as the secret itself propels even greater fear. Each human held a unique plan to both bring forth and then try to calm those fears while not knowing/remembering that all along there was great purpose in bringing into their own bodies a simple yet catastrophic energy called fear in all its forms.

Why is fear catastrophic? It is an energy or in reality a feeling that literally lives your life for you; it speaks words clothed in it or it denies one to speak at all, it creates actions that can alter one’s life forever but most importantly it disallows one to express themselves freely. Each human holds their own design as to what they will call to in fear. And just why would one want to experience fear? It is more than wanting to experience it, it is an energy within the earth that was scheduled to be pulled FROM the earth through each one’s individual body, through their own specific and unique design to do so. For instance if one through addiction pulled into their body enough or rather their ‘own chosen limit’ of fear/pain/sorrow/desperation/victimization etc (all fear based) they would then lift it from the earth and how would they do that? There are two ways to do so. Fear is eradicated from the planet/earth through death or transmutation. Death is obvious. The body dies and so too does the elements of fear that lived within it thus those elements have left the planet.

Transmutation is the neutralizing within the body of that fear. We all know what fear ‘feels’ like and through transmutation that fear would lose its power; perhaps through group, individual or self-therapy or the/a church or self care or music or determination to release the victimization that fear brings or through forgiveness one goes from a state of pain and sorrow to a place of peace. There are a myriad of methods that can assist in the alleviation of fear from one’s body. There are as many unique ways one transmutes fear as there are unique human beings.

It is in peace one cannot feel the sting of fear upon them regardless of the specific method used to get there.  Just as there are many names for ‘fear’ there are also those names for the other side of fear beginning with love. The world is moving from fear to love, from 3D to 5D. in 5D one holds those energies that feel like peace, joy, calmness of body and mind, empathy, gratitude, laughter and more. One can understand and simply become an observer of 3D knowing what it is about. Judgement is a cornerstone of 3D and in 5D it is almost impossible because one understands not only is it the soul’s plan to move through that 3D reality but their plan to do so is unique onto them, so why waste one’s energy judging another’s creativity. Besides if each were aware of their own ‘work’ on earth they would be diligent about this business of transmuting their own issues and would have no energy or time to critique another.

Recognize that all things of the outer are a reflection of your ‘inner systems’, your thoughts, beliefs, emotions and frequency. You hold fear because all those systems and beliefs tell you how you must think and feel and act and how to speak etc  and heaven forbid if you deviate.  Your systems of beliefs come from your history, your culture, your family, your schooling your religion etc. You do not come to the earth in the body you chose to wear as a blank slate. You carry much from a history beyond this lifetime and that history holds a baseline called fear which is simply an energy that defines how you will live your life on earth UNTIL; UNTIL you decide you consciously desire to shift from fear to love and then the process and journey begins. You don’t wake up one morning and stat ‘I want to move from fear to love’ consciously but you do begin to feel an unease with your life which can begin a process.

You will question many things of your own life and creating. You no longer are a robotic body living daily in the sphere of your history and surroundings. You become an observer to your own thoughts and can ask yourself if you want to keep them; do they make you happy. You give yourself permission to change your mind. You butt up against one of the hardest declarations in order to answer it with truth and that is, ‘do I live to make others happy’. This is the essence of your journey. When you declare that you must live in love rather than fear you begin to move from 3D to 5D; from fear to love. Not always an easy journey but an absolutely beautiful one in fact that is why you came into this lifetime: to change the consciousness of the earth by changing your own consciousness. To shift 3D, fear consciousness to 5D where love is your motivation beginning with love of self and all things of that journey is in absolute motion upon the earth right now.

The definition of love has always been a bit skewed. Of course it refers to romantic love but there is so much more. It includes the simplicity of acting in integrity, honoring and supporting yourself and others. It is akin to being a decent human being.

So how does Donald Trump fit in to this story? He stands front and center as a form or symbol of what 3D looks like in the world today. He holds perfectly the traits of what 3D/fear consciousness is and displays it.  These are a few of his roles: He is a fear monger. He is Greed. He is unkind. He is self absorbed. He is homophobic. He is a bully. He is a racist. He is a misogynist. He is a liar. He is secretive. He is dispassionate. He is the PERFECT example of a dimension and reality that is leaving. He stands on a world stage and says take a look at what fear is all about. Do you accept it or do you reject. It is a simple choice and it really is a choice. Do I choose drama or peace? Do I choose judgment or compassion? Living in this world right now is the most opportunistic time to look around and declare yourself in the world but not ‘of it’; living as an observer who sees all sides and chooses to hold faith in the process that is upon you/the world. This shift in reality is taking place and it looks like the world is falling apart but it is the tearing down of a reality to rebuild a new one. Is Trump a horrible person? No not at all, in fact this is his incredible contribution to the world. He has prepared for lifetimes to play this role as it is no small one. He stands forth as a symbol for others to view as they determine in their own minds and hearts who they want to be.

One last thought. The die is cast, the shift is here and there is no more a wonder if 3D or fear is dying. It absolutely is and as it is leaving, you are hearing the dying cries of those who fight to keep it alive and those cries are LOUD but each time you see something coming forth that for decade of even centuries was in place; things that you say are atrocious and horrific, know that they are rising to the light of day to be eradicated from the world as they cannot sustain within the light of love that is saturating the earth.

Everyone has a role in all of this. The consciousness  of the United States is what elected this man and you might be surprised to know that the consciousness stated that this one would be the best candidate to show the world just what they are rejecting on a very conscious level. Do you stand with the old world of fear or do you join the ranks of the new energies that promote love and all its joyous benefits. Many are there, many are ‘on their way’; some will come kicking and screaming and others will perish in fear but to be sure the world is vibrating to a new song with many thousands joining the chorus daily.


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