News of the Day: Baltimore's Rage

Baltimore’s Rage

April 28, 2015

In a city of America’s infancy lives many secrets of its constitution and its governance. The idea and ideals of a country that was created within the definitions of freedom holds a stain upon it’s imagery but as with many deviance's from its original charter, claiming freedom as well as separation of Church and State as two of the original reasons for existence, the corruption as well the absolute dishonesty of American power mongers is coming alive to be viewed as well as rectified.

The beauty of such a statement and desire to grant freedom within a world at that time in time over 200 years ago where freedom was denied to the masses by the rich and powerful who held all the cards, made all the rules and dominated the lives of so many was met with the absolute joys of imagining that one could live in a land of freedom and abundance. This desire called so many to risk their very lives to get to that place. And so America was born. Born of the struggles for freedom and promoted as the land of milk and honey. In droves people came from their European roots to gain access to this state of mind and the American Dream was born. But much was carried from Europe that was the very reason people fled for it is not always known that what one carries within their psyche they seem to express openly and outwardly.

Memory is a funny thing. It literally LIVES within the cells of one’s body but beyond that it is ‘inherited’ onto bodies. Perhaps what so many fought so hard against they carried as part of themselves. When those whose greatest desires were to hold freedom within them risked life and limb to come to a place, a land where that dream would be met they did so within and ‘carrying’ the genetics of their birth and ancestry. Within those genetics they still held many beliefs and memories of a life lived in their homelands. What they were fighting so hard ‘against’ they were still holding within themselves. Does it not seem just a tiny bit contradictory to premise a new world where all men are created equal when ships where being sent from the shores of this new country to capture and bring back to the country of freedom for all, men, women and children, against their will, to OWN them. So in a nutshell they were really saying is that all men of European descent could have and hold that freedom and if one were to view this in its reality those who could not be allowed that same freedom simply had one thing in common and that was the color of their skin. The native Americans it is no secret were considered savages and less than as were those of dark skin. So the idea that all men were created equal indeed had caveats. In other words it was that all White men were created equal and women were in a category of their own as they were considered to a degree property as well.

And THAT is what the United States of America is founded upon.

The ideas and ideals were beautiful in their concept but in their reality they were quite similar to their ancestry. Baltimore/Maryland’s uniqueness within the ‘slave agenda’ was different than as well as progressive in comparison to the rest of the United States in the days of full swing slavery. It really began the push to freedom for slaves. Baltimore holds a unique history as it volunteered early on to be in the forefront of this movement that led to a war that separated and divided a new nation and those wounds to this day are not healed. The original group that settled Maryland were onto themselves more within the true nature of abiding by the constitution however it was a great wave in energy that they were up against and yet it is as though that unfinished business of  a century and a half has come back to be settled as what has been termed justice opens the door for many other places throughout this country to follow.

Now just as those of European descent hold within them this penchant for superiority within the balance of race, those of African descent who were stolen from their homeland to be subservient onto them hold within their genetics this anger and resentment that cries out for justice. Without ‘proof’ or words spoken it is well known to  most who would admit their knowing that this injustice and division in race goes on to this day. Regardless of political correctness in words and acts what lives within someone still lives within them and given a chance to express it they will. So the division that holds the color of skin as a real issue within the US has come back to be brought into the light of day to be healed and within most healings there are painful acknowledgments and reckonings. It was determined that the consciousness of this Nation was ready to face it’s past, it’s hurts, its wrongs and work towards a peaceful nation within and it was within that declaration that the first Black president stepped forward to head the charge and within this very first days  in office what exploded within those whose bodies still hold within them the fierce beliefs that they are superior to a race of a different color were so unsettled that they ignited those old beliefs to be brought forth into the light of day, for healing cannot take place if it is not acknowledged. When the tipping point comes there will be no acknowledgement any long that this division holds power in this great country and this is a great country yet what seems like deep divides and open wounds of old issues still alive are only alive and in view to be brought to resolution.

America has not yet seen its greatest days. Those words of old that birthed this country are still quite valid but have not been abided by. This is changing, this will change as each is given the view of what they believe, what they cannot ignore and what they must admit to themselves. To view another in prejudice within inherited or accepted stereotype denies them as a beautiful creation of god. Each soul is molded in life by their beliefs be they inherited or accepted but beyond all that which they hold they are perfection. If one believes that due to their race they are 2nd class, they will be nothing, they are less than they will aspire to those  beliefs held and live up the expectation of their culture and society. If people believe that their lives do not ‘matter’ they will act accordingly until they change that belief.  This is an exciting time in the United States as it is in a place of upheaval it may seem but those riots and marches that garner attention are purposeful in their bringing a focus onto things that many have wanted to deny and that is that African American have been abused, mistreated and denied in this country by those who brought them to it. That is THEIR heritage within the United States and they are quite ready to claim their rightful place as equal within a country that claims equality as its foundational premise.

Now this is not a blanket statement onto every single citizen rather it is about those denials and prejudice that each hold that are being asked and forced to look within because it is the within that denies the differences of race, color, creed, sexuality and ever divisive element of humanity. It is a time of introspection where all are given the moment (if accepted) to ask of themselves where they live within these systems of beliefs they hold that looks onto others as less than. Actually it is a wonderful time as this explosion of defiance onto history is awake and in full swing upon the land

Baltimore in its history has been in the forefront of calling to freedom for all and in this day it as well shines a light onto the discrepancies of this freedom. No more will those injustices be swept under a rug, no longer will a group whose duty was to protect use their power to deny that protection based on the color of one’s skin or at least no longer will the level of toleration for this behavior be allowed. Baltimore’s pain at one man’s death as he offered himself up for this cause will be the beginning of a movement that will not cease rather it will be emulated.


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