New of the Day: BP Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill

July 27, 2010

I would like a perspective from a higher view on this oil spill. Why in that area and what is the symbolism of it?

This spill will literally turn the tides of a relationship between one of the filthiest elements of a reality called ‘Victim’ as the victimizer mentality comes face to face with the victims that they have literally ‘owned’ within this play on earth. Oil is the black gold that represents the filth within a symbol of power called money. The energies of oil have been the backdrop and the very vision of power as it is a substance that has motivated money upon the planet. Now it may not be that overt to all but it is the lifeblood of the economy. Whereas gold was thought to be the backer of the currency that has not been the case for a very long time. It has been the oil that has been seeping out of mother earth since it was determined and defined to be that which literally moves the world. Its discovery of immense power put into play a group who in seeing this element as their magic began a determined and precise plan to own it and they have fought diligently to maintain a hold upon it.

The quest for oil has changed the very face of nations, it has devastated lands and peoples, brought wars and sorrow and only of recent times has it been truly looked to as a source of the evil it has spawned. Those who align themselves with the position taken to keep this oil flowing at all costs, align themselves with the greed and the mercilessness of a dark element within the human family and their nature although determined before birth is to assist the consciousness by holding fast and hard to the old as the ‘new’ is being unveiled.

The belief that there is a critical need for oil was inserted into the consciousness and has become a given of your world and lifestyle and seen as a necessity for life itself. This has been one of the greatest marketing ploys; to hold the world in a position to look to the power mongers who have defined the ‘oil need’ reality. There have been technologies for decades that would eliminate this need almost overnight but those technologies along with their discoverers/ creators/inventors and producers have been squashed. The talk of becoming independent of foreign oil has been going on as well for decades as if it is something that would placate the common voice but it was a simple bill of goods given to the masses to quiet them as it was becoming more and more obvious that their voices were rising.

This spill will shift the view within the world that sees oil as the lubricant of a massive movement that has taken mankind into the age of personal privilege and freedom. The cars that are owned, the mass transit that carries millions allows a type of mobility that was impossible without this fuel as well the airlines that carry mankind across the globe. This substance has allowed for the history of the world to change as if overnight giving people access to distant places as well as local commuting like never before. It is a way of life, this type of mobility that would seem improbable to take away and oil is the very issuance of this entire ‘moving’ reality. Imagine the world without the ability to move because the flow of a liquid that moves mankind is cut off. The utter dependency on this substance goes beyond the obvious – cars, boats, airlines etc. it has allowed a type of expression that brought forth a momentum of movement/motion that has drawn people outward and away from their center……….from themselves as symbolically this motion allowed for the consciousness, for humanity, to explore a world that took them away from their very homes and hearts. The consciousness of earth has been one of vacancy of the heart and in symbolism to this movement the unprecedented range and distance one has traveled could only be possible using the fuel that has not only fueled machines but has been an iconic and ironic presence in holding a global position of motion; of humanity’s movement.. The ability to spend time and travel be it short travel to one’s place of work or business or across the country or world is time spent going outward both physically and symbolically and it has been the era of not just going out and away from a location but symbolically leaving the hearth/heart to explore the world itself and that motion was designed in the world’s reality to allow for humanity to go as far away as they possibly could FROM THEMSELVES. The world and all her people are destined to come to this place and point in the timeline of earth, where there is a shift, a turn towards ‘self’, towards the true power that is within and in waking to a new reality, ‘oil’ in symbolism and in reality begins it’s demise as the fuel that has driven mankind in an outward direction and devotion.

Those who have ruled this product and process in a very real sense have ruled the world. They have held the power, owning governments, rulers and the lands that hold the greatest of supplies. They have made the rules and created the illusion of what populations believe the world and society to be. They have been from behind the scenes pulling every string possible to maintain their position as the power that runs every aspect of survival on the planet from food to housing, medicine, transportation, the economy and whatever you can think of that has made your world as it is today……….oil is the lifeblood that keeps the world in motion and MAINTAINS a world or rather has maintained a world. This world/reality is changing very quickly and there is no one living who does not feel something of this change. A shift of vibration upon the planet is creating all outward symbols and views to change including and especially the fuel that has maintained an old reality/world.

This disaster in the gulf acts as an awakening moment as it will bring to light many things that will cause rejection to this symbol. A collective consciousness will massively show itself in its disgust for the way of life that has taken humanity so far in distance from the heart. This spill begins a movement of the people fueled by the heart, a power that requires no outside stimulus or fuel product. There comes forth the voices that reject the secrecy that has been surrounding the oil industry. The covers will fly off those many hidden secrets and an appalling thunder will be expressed.

This symbol must be reckoned with as it has carried mankind in a direction of utter materialism as a focus in bringing alive a world that created outside symbols to be the safety and security of living on planet earth. The reality that has blanketed civilizations to this year 2010 is falling. The oil industry has been the foundation of the world governments that continue to uphold this element that has been their managed source of power. If one aligns with the brokers of oil they align with a power that is real and felt and expressed. It is an energy that is very powerful in presenting a feeling of invincibility and it has been in play and came into play many decades ago building upon a reality of separation. When one looks to the outer world for their source of power they negate the power they are, the power that resides within. That has been the position of the planet for many millennium up until this time for in this time memories are surfacing and momentum is building to remember the true power of one’s existence. It is a power accessible through the release of the world of illusion and devotion to accessing power in the outer world. That ‘outer world’ power no matter what form it takes is but a memory to the power that lives within each and every soul who plays the game of ‘powerless and victim’ when they enter human form.

When this spill occurred, the first thoughts of BP was not to stop it but rather how to capture it, meanwhile allowing it to flow freely into the waters as they strategized and focused on the oil rather than the environment. Their greed allowed it to happen in the first place and is why it has allowed it to continue. When it is finally contained it will be a wonder as to why this method was not initially used and clearly it will be recognized that the oil itself superseded all other concerns.

This spill although horrendous and painful for the land and her people is a perfect scenario that has been called forth to identify not only the massive energy/power that has been the basis for a reality called power/money/victim that has been of a consciousness that held humanity in a place/state of forgetfulness onto their own power but it takes place in an area where that consciousness was literally SIGNED INTO AGREEMENT upon a landmass beneath the waters many many years ago in time. This explosion of the earth’s elements onto this area is as though a grand waking to the death of this consciousness. The land/area/waters itself churns within this awakening of consciousnesses and greatly assists a new world that awakens. As awful as it seems and to some can only be seen that way, there is purpose within a plan that must uncover the advocates of power outside one’s self. The play becomes more and more obvious as those who want to uphold a reality even though it is not for the good of humanity are running low on valid reasons to continue the absurdity that plays out between the victims and the victimizers, the haves and the have nots, the powerful and powerless.

There of course are no mistakes or missteps within this event. It is purposeful in plan and design to bring the messages and memory to the world to prod humanity to remember the story of a consciousness that has been of a power struggle and it calls for the rejection of that consciousness and that world.

This spill has called forth the hearts of many to refute what has been in terms of power at the expense of love. It is but one of many amazing events that will shift the balance of a power and reality called “Victim”. It is within the scope of humanity to surge within this waking for soon there will be no place to go but to love and that is the key that ignites the power within.

Know that all is well even in the midst of what appears as tragic. There is no such thing as tragedy when one views things from a consciousness/reality of the creator for the creator makes no mistakes and the creator within all know this as they align with that part of themselves. That is where this world is going ~ to a place of ‘creator consciousness’, a place where memories of the power of the creator within surface and love is known as the reason behind all things ~ all things even if they may not seem so on the surface there is love within even the darkest events. To see that love, that beauty of purpose is to know a new reality, a new consciousness. This new consciousness is blanketing the earth, waking within events of all kinds especially those that may appear as ‘tragic’.


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