January 25, 2009
Before speaking of something so large in its area/uniqueness/location, etc., it must be understood that the invisible non-material power behind everything is simply defined as “energy,” even thorough it is an indefinable word currently. Energy is the machine behind all things of the material plane. There is a unique energy defining each individual on the planet. There is an energy within places and sounds, pictures and food, buildings and vehicles and every piece of material that is unique onto itself, but it is quite illusive to the human's concept and yet without defining it is obvious that everyone and everything is unique beyond their outer appearance. It is the unique identifier which is cumulative even onto and especially onto inanimate objects. It is not observed by any of the human senses but one and that is emotion. Energy is FELT as blatantly as if it were seen with the naked eye, heard with the ears, touched onto the flesh, tasted or smelled. It is more real than any of those senses and yet it is for the most part denied and ignored. It is the fuel behind the engines of all things on earth without pure identification.
Anyone who has walked the streets of Chicago even blindfolded would know that they were not walking the streets of Los Angeles because the feel, the energy, is so different. And, what makes the difference beyond the senses is within the planning that takes place beyond the sense and within the agreements of those whose purpose and plan were to inhabit that city/state. For each person who resides upon the land of Illinois is so doing at their own determination, their own design, their own planning, drawn to it within their own agenda and dedication.
Before entering the Earth one of the very least determinations onto the soul is what has become the greatest determination in physical. That is physical recognition, be it in terms of money, power, and position, etc., because those things represent the energies of survival. In other words, in one's life planning pre-birth it is far more important to advance in understanding, to assist one's soul into a higher vibrational experience and to assist the planet itself by holding that vibration. It is not to be safe and secure because it is very much understood that to try and ward off death is to ward off the return to the magnificence of one's own home/soul/beauty.
But as the body enters the Earth's sphere, it becomes self-preserving without or with little memory of the purpose and plan. Each holds a plan that is unique and purposeful to them alone. They may share genetics and locations with others that would assist in that plan, be it in a supportive way or in a manner that is quite uncomfortable.
All contracts are determined from another realm. So the soul is in attraction to not only the people with whom they contract “with,” but they are also in attraction to the area or locale in which the energy of that place would assist them. All humans are in attraction at all times to people, places, things, ideas, etc., and therefore they are always in the place of their energy’s alignment.
The law of attraction is the law whereby like energy attracts like energy, and that energy very often is in the area of BELIEFS; for beliefs are absolutely energy. In fact, they are the most powerful form of creative energy. Like belief (thought) attracts like beliefs, and many beliefs are quite inherited. Therefore, to enter into a lineage that has held a certain group of beliefs is to enter into those beliefs and hold them and attract them. Even if they were not something that was experienced in one's own lifetime, they may have been “chosen” to be held in this lifetime. If that is the case they could be held for the purpose of relinquishing them, thus making one more AWARE of themselves and more aware of how energy within their lives has been “living their life.” Thus perhaps in recognizing this, it would be possible to change it (and it is). So to be aware of ENERGY, that invisible force of nature that is the power of nature that is the creator of the physical is to become closer to the memory of the creator........you. The energy of Illinois is as unique as is all 50 of the states’ energies. For each state is separated by a dividing line, and as that line is crossed a different “energy” is entered into. It begins with the vibration/energy of the name of the state itself and goes from there. The focus at this time on the state and specifically the city of Chicago begs an understanding of the reality of its prominence within politics. This understanding goes beyond simply the elections of specific candidates throughout its history because they are the culmination in energy of the city itself as it has been RULED. Beginning in the early days of the city's history, there was a uniting of energies to maintain and preserve power that thwarted authority. It inherently as a city wanted independence from authority, and it craved freedom. Those freedoms were based upon the idea/energy that authority does not necessarily know what is best.
Like a rebellious child, Chicago holds in energy the memory of “doing things my way.” It was a breeding ground for ideas that would help the common man to preserve dignity and freedom from outside authority, an authority that assumed rules and regulations that were not necessarily in Chicago’s best interest.
From the gangs that walked the streets in Chicago's earliest days to the political machine of today, the underlying energy is that “we do things our way” and we don't abide in being told from an outside source what to do and how to do it. It also carries within that thought that we take care of our own. So what we view today is very much within the foundation of those same energies, and yet all individuals hold within them the free will to take that energy in a direction of their own. Power is a very interesting energy as it lives within two specific definitions in every human. All seem to feel a moment of craving power simply because there lives within the cells the memory that each is very much of a power so great it literally creates their reality. Like a bug to a light the attraction onto power is the attraction onto the true self, but that gets muddled in the loss of memory. Therefore, when the idea and chance to hold power comes along sometimes it is misidentified in ways of seeing it and feeling it as POWER OVER OTHERS.
That is the situation within the view we see today with one governor of the state of Illinois. Power “over” others is a resonating within the outer world’s view that power elevates one to a position of authority over others. The expression “drunk with power” is very close to the emotions of one who feels that energy within them and thusly lives from it. Their senses can become skewed, their sight blurred, their equilibrium failed and their behavior over the top.
Let’s view two very prominent men who have come from the energy of a city/state and are now within the limelight. They both come from a place of power; one expresses that power ‘over others’ as he uses that power to separate himself from others; elevating himself above others feeling apart and more powerful than others. The other expresses that power as empowerment onto the masses and intends to use his power to assist in that empowerment. He recognizes the equality in all and intends to assist in that memory upon the planet.
The governor, Rod Blagojevich, is currently in the spotlight as his arrest uncovered his blatant disregard for authority within his most powerful position. What overtook him was the energy and memory of power itself as what he was feeling he thought belonged to him alone. He held the memory within him of helping others -- and he did. But his misunderstanding was that this power he felt set him apart, made him special and granted him an authority that allowed him to be the rule maker disregarding current rules.
It is not unimaginable nor is it deniable that in politics the taste of power can hold great disregard for the rules. But if the truth be told in almost every case within that group called “politicians,” there has been an energy or attitude of “I have been given this special power from the people that allows me to skirt the rules” with the justification that they believe to be unique and outside the laws.
The granting of power is the granting of a memory of one’s true nature. There is no greater memory touched than that of one’s own power, it is the memory of the creator that lives dormant within all.
Chicago holds in energy a dream and a memory regarding power. It has known some of the most blatant power “abusers” in the country. As well it has produced those whose memory of power is in the alignment that power belongs to the people, that each and everyone that walks her streets holds within them the power (equality) that is God given.
What is raging in transition at this time on earth is the defining of power/powerless, victim/victimizer. One cannot hold power/authority over another without that other’s permission. One that is viewed in power, by virtue of that view grants them more of it. If the city determined their devotion to one who is holding a type of power over others, that city continues to endorse the kind of power and the corruption of power continues. This is ending in Chicago.
Within the country and especially the city of Chicago there has been a type of resignation onto power within politics, a feeling that no one has any power to do a thing about the corruption that has been known of for years. That emotion alone allowed it to continue because that attitude granted power to the system of corrupt politics.
The energy/vibration of the world has been moving towards this moment where the individual is calling to the memory of their own power. The greatest of power over the masses has been the governments, keeping humanity from their own freedoms of expression and maintaining a victim mentality within the various wars and injustices that begin within the governing bodies around the globe.
Enter Barak Obama ~
Barak Obama is also very aware of the power of politics within the city of Chicago. He purposefully chose that city. He aligns with another from that energy who looked out onto the country and said it is not right that any man hold power over another human being, regardless of their color. Abraham Lincoln was of the energy of presentation of one’s own power.
Obama was never under the illusion or spell of the power he entered into because his desire was to use that power to EMPOWER others. That energy is felt by the masses. That is his destiny: to give memory to the world of its own individual power. Rather than absorb it into himself, he holds a shield of reflection outwardly. As he grew within political circles he magnificently hid his agenda just enough to play with the power brokers, holding steady to this place where he could become a presenter onto the world.
It appears he has inherited a gigantic mess, but if that mess were defined simply it is the culmination of the lies of power. It is the story of power over others and the denial of the individual’s great power within. Obama’s intention and the world’s intention is to remember that truth. Those living that type of power (over others) are feeling their own demise because they believe their power is derived from outside themselves -- and the loss of that feeling of power is devastating.
This is not just specific to politicians. It is specific to all who feel they have the audacity to hold power over another human being, be it their children, spouse, workers, congregations, constituency or country.
The world enters into a new era. The irony is that the “burden” that is seen being put upon Barak Obama is light upon his shoulder as he simply turns to the world at large and speaks the words of empowerment to all. It is felt from him; it brings excitement and tears to those who hear him because what they hear in his energy is this: “You hold within you the power of the universe. Please remember and do not look to me to grant you that power. I will assist you there through my vibration but it belongs to you alone.”
There really is no greater attraction to a human soul than that of memory onto themselves, their soul and their power. And that is what he offers. Deep inside he feels fantastic about his new role. He knows, although not always consciously, that if there is ONE THING he can count on it is the power of the individual reflecting that memory and living from it. He is not deterred by the enormity that others see this job to be because he is a highly evolved soul who KNOWS that when humanity begins to remember who they are, they will take that responsibility very seriously and bring alive within them the best they are.
The people of the U.S. stated clearly and loudly, bringing echoes from the world that “YES WE CAN!” What they can do is beyond even their own understanding at this time, yet it is NOT beyond their memory. They CAN begin the journey of self, one that has been initiated by many workers of the Light for over 20 years and introduced by one Barak Obama to the rest of the world at this now time.
Excitement does reign throughout the land as a new vibration awakens upon her. This journey into power is one long awaited, slated to begin in the USA. Abraham Lincoln and Mr. Barack Obama are within the same soul group who led this charge. They are of the highly evolved spirits of beauty and power, both of whom resided upon the same energy field of empowerment in a state that holds upon her soil the messages of power.
Mr. Lincoln felt the power as an empowerment onto the individual and freed the slaves. Mr. Obama presents that freedom to the rest of the world.
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